Chapter 1

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School. A miserable place I am forced to spend 8 hours a day at. I normally get pretty good grades, but I am not very popular at all. I have a couple close friends, but I am bullied for being 'weird' since I like a lot of folklore stuff, and books about supernatural creatures even though they aren't real. I spend hours in the library at a time, just reading stuff. Frankly, if it was legal I would never show up to school at all. I hate it.

"Alex, Pay attention."

"Sorry." I say back to my English teacher.

That is one of my least favorite classes. I have it eighth period, so by that point I am bored out of my mind and burnt out from the day. The final bell couldn't ring soon enough. I head over to my locker and grab my things out as fast as I can to try to get outside before the bullies show up. Today, I was not so lucky.

"What's up freakish loser? Time to go home so you can sit in your room and read your stupid books?" They taunt

I simply shrug it off and try to walk away. I always had this thing about me where I can see the good in everyone no matter what they do to me. I received a punch in the face for ignoring them today. I run out the door and make it home before they can catch me.

"Hey Alex, how was your da-? Alex, what happened?" My parents asked me. Well, they aren't technically my parents. I was adopted by them when I was very little. They usually treated me right but I never felt like a member of their family. I felt like I was adopted.

"Some kid punched me again. Don't worry about it."

"How many times have we talked about this? You need to fight back."

"I don't want to hurt anybody. They probably have something going on at home or something going on that makes them do stuff like this. I'm fine don't worry about it."

They were going to say something, but gave up. I walk over to the freezer, grab an ice pack and go up to my room to study for the classes I don't care about. But hey, if I'm gonna go to law school, I have to study up. All of a sudden in the middle of studying, I hear my parents talking, arguing actually. My name comes up, so I want to know what it is. I creep down the hallway to the top of the stairs.

"... The point is, Sam called. He wants to come back. He wants her back. I told him no way." Sheryl, my mom says.

"But Sheryl, she's 16 now. He's been away for so long. Shouldn't it be their choice not ours?"

"No Dave. I've made up my mind. I don't want her to find out who he is or what he does. Not until she's ready and can deal with the truth. Enough."

They head toward the stairs, probably to make sure I'm studying. I run back into my room and crack open my math homework, and pretend to be working.

"Don't stay up too late Alex."

"I won't." I reply as they head to bed. I finish my math homework in a breeze, and just lay in bed thinking. 'Who is this Sam guy? Why does he want me?' I probably laid there for hours before I finally succumbed to sleep. The alarm went off way sooner than I desired.

Please give me feedback on this. Thanks!

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