Chapter 3

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The next day, after school let out, I got a phone call when I was doing homework. I walked into my bathroom and ran the sink water so that my parents couldn't hear, just in case it was Sam.

"Hello?" I asked, not sure who it was.

"Hi, is this Alex?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"It's Sam. I got your note. I want to meet you. Do you think you could convince your parents to let you go out? We can meet at the Red Lobster down the street from the high school."

"I'll try. I'll text you in a bit."

"Ok. Bye." He said clearly with a smile on his face.

"Mom, dad, can I go out with a friend from school? She and I don't get to talk much at school because she is terrified of those bullies. We are just going to meet up for dinner at Red Lobster. I have money and my homework is done." I lied smoothly.

"Sure. I'm happy you want to hang out with friends. You need more of those by the way." My mom said.

I went back into my room and texted Sam. 'On my way. See you in a few.'
I left. When I entered the restaurant, I told them I was meeting someone named Sam. They said there was nobody with that name who was seated. Then, the guy who saw me the night before spoke up, and said "hey, over here!"

I walked over there, and sat down. Sam was quite a handsome guy. I don't know how someone like that could be my dad. I wasn't exactly very good looking.

"Hi." I said shyly.

"Hi, I'm Sam. This is my brother Dean." He said very gently making sure not to scare me since I didn't know him.

"Oh my gosh. What happened? Do they beat you?" Sam asked regarding my black eye. He was freaking out. It was kind of sweet how he overreacted about them.

"No, no, there's just this stupid bully at school. Don't worry about it. People just don't like me."

"Why don't people like you?" Dean asked.

"Dean, don't be a butthole." Sam responded

"No, it's fine. People don't like me because I like reading folklore and stuff about supernatural beings even though they aren't real."

"Oh. Well they shouldn't bully you for that. That's actually really cool. Why don't you fight back?" Sam asked.

"Because I don't want to hurt anybody and I know they probably just have stuff going on at home or something. I always see the good in people. I know that's really stupid though."

"That's not stupid at all Alex. That's a great quality to have."

"So, Sam. Why are you suddenly showing up here, and why do you suddenly want anything to do with me? I figured you didn't want me and that's why I was put up for adoption."

"I've regretted putting you up for adoption for so long, but I just wanted you to be able to have a childhood. With what we do, you can't have a childhood, and your mom and I wanted you to have one." Sam said, a sadness coming over his face.

"What do you guys do?"

"We are hunters, but not deer, or things like that. All the things you read in those books about folklore and supernatural stuff, it's all real, and we hunt it." I have no idea what to say at this. I thought it was all fake.

"That's really cool, but I thought that was all fake. When I first got into it, I believed it, but my 'parents' told me it was fake, and that I shouldn't believe in that stupid stuff."

"Well, it's all real. Ghosts, demons, everything."

Um, can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, shoot."

"Where's my mom? I'd love to meet her too." I said happily, then regretted it once I saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Um, she was killed on a hunt. I tried to save her, but it was too late. I'm really sorry Alex." Sam said

"I'm sorry I asked." I said feeling really bad

"Hey, it's ok. You didn't know. Actually, you look a lot like your mom. I'm glad you ended up looking like her. Haha." Sam chuckled and I laughed along with him.

"There is one thing we really need to discuss."

"Whether or not I leave with you?" I asked.

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I was eavesdropping when you were arguing with my 'parents'. The only reason no one found out is because Dean here saved my butt and didn't say anything." I said, smiling at him.

"Well, I came back to discuss it with you and find out. I waited so long because I didn't think you were old enough to deal with what I do for a living. We move around a lot. You'd have to quit school. Your parents told me that you want to go to law school. I went to law school too. I can't take that away from you." Sam said. Clearly he didn't want to put any pressure on me.

"I don't know. I've never felt like this was really my family. They always acted like I was adopted, less like I was their child. I've wanted to know you and be a part of your family for as long as I can remember but they never told me anything. Yes, law school is a dream, but a family, and I mean a real family, is what I want and need."

"Hey, I'm not gonna make you rush into this. Go home, think about it, and text me once you decide. We'll be in town for a week." He said. He was being so kind to me. I was proud that he was my dad. We finished up our food, and I headed back home. They offered me a ride, but I didn't want to risk my parents seeing their car. I had some serious thinking to do.

Daughter of the Moose (sequel to 'Married to a Moose')Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant