Chapter 33

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A/N hey guys! Thanks for over 1k views on this sequel and the kind words about it. You guys are awesome!!!! Just a warning, I suck at writing Crowley and Cas so this chapter will probably suck, but I need them for plot.

My dad got on the phone and called Crowley. I didn't want us to have to call him. Putting it simply, I hated his guts. He always brought trouble to the boys and I didn't want any more trouble. I could hear both sides of he conversation through the phone.

"Moose. What do you want?" Crowley said, angrier than usual.

"We need to talk about one of your demons. So get your stupid demon butt over here." Crowley hung up and appeared in the parking lot by the impala. Usually he'd have some witty comment, but today he didn't. I had a feeling he already knew what we were gonna talk about.

"So, who are you wanting to discuss?"

"We don't know her name but there's some crazy b**** of yours who's trying to kill Alex. I thought I killed her, but apparently not." Dean shouted at Crowley.

"Oh, her. You mean Aura? Yep. She's one of a kind. She can do quite a special thing don't you think?"

"Just tell us what she can do and how we kill her. We aren't here to play games Crowley." Dean said, getting impatient and annoyed.

"Haven't you figured out what all she does yet? She can move anything with her mind, she can regenerate herself quite easily, and she has a fascination with red lipstick apparently." He chuckled at himself.

"How do we kill her?" My dad asked

"Ordinarily, I wouldn't tell you how to kill one of my own, but she needs to go. That stupid b**** is trying to overthrow me and take over."

"Then I guess this benefits us both doesn't it?" My dad said back

"Let's be clear... I am only helping you because I hate her guts and she needs to go."

"Understood." My dad and Dean said in unison.

"Ok. It takes a spell. You need grace of an angel, tap root, blood of a human with demon blood in them, blood of a live human, a human heart, and lamb's blood. You have to mix all the ingredients together while simultaneously performing an exorcism, and she has to be in a devil's trap. It's the only way to kill her." I wrote all this down. Crowley left and we went back inside.

"So, I guess we have to figure out where to get all this stuff don't we?"

"Yeah, a couple are pretty easy to find. We have lamb's blood already since its pretty common in spells, and we know someone who can get us the root."

"What about the human with demon blood in them? I've never heard of someone like that who isn't fully demon."

"I have demon blood in me." my dad chimed in shyly.

"Really? How? You aren't a demon right?"

"No, I'm not a demon, but there was a demon who cursed me when I was a baby, and I have some demon blood flowing through my system."

"Oh. Does that mean you can become a demon at any time?" I asked, backing away a little.

"No. I'm not gonna turn into a demon. You don't need to be scared of me. I'm totally fine."

"I'm not trying to be scared, but that really worries me."

"I know it's weird and everything. Just trust me. I'm not gonna become a demon, and it's not gonna make me hurt you ok?" My dad said with compassion in his eyes.

"Ok. I trust you." I replied

"Sam, what about the angel grace? You know who, isn't an option."

"I know Dean, but we don't have a choice."

"He was pissed and took a lot of convincing to save your wife back then. He's not gonna help us."

"I don't know what we are gonna do then." My dad said.

"Guys, why don't you just ask Cas?"

"Because Cas isn't gonna help. He's always busy and gets mad when we ask for his help now."

"Why wouldn't he help if you need help? Just ask him to help because I need his help to stay alive and not get killed by her."

"I don't think he will. He doesn't even know about you."

"Please, just try. We need his help. I'll introduce myself to him if I need to."

"Fine." Dean got down on his knees and prayed. "Cas, get your feathery butt down here. We need your help and it's urgent."

Suddenly, I heard a flap of large wings and suddenly a man in a trench coat stood right in front of my face. Before I knew what had happened, I was shoved up against the wall, and couldn't move and could barely breathe.

"Who the heck are you?" He asked with his deep raspy voice, and breathing hard into my face. I could barely speak, so I pointed at my dad.

"She's my daughter Cas." My dad said. Cas released his grip and I fell heavily off the wall. Cas helped me up.

"My apologies." He said.

"I'm Alex. Apparently you are Cas."

"Yes. Dean, what do you need? You know I am busy."

"We need some of your grace for a spell. There's a demon trying to kill Alex and both of us, except she is a super demon and a spell is the only way to kill her."

"No Dean."

"Please Cas. You know I don't ask for anything unless I am desperate."

"No Dean. You can't just expect me to give you my grace."

"Please Cas? They want to keep me alive. The demon already almost killed me once, and it killed my adoptive parents, and it's gonna come after me again. It's the only way to keep me alive." I pleaded.

"Fine." He said after taking a few minutes to contemplate it in his head. "How much do you need?"

"Just enough for the spell to work." Dean said as he slid a weird looking bowl across the counter. Cas pulled out a silver blade and cut himself. Bright whitish-blue colored stuff flowed from his cut and into the bowl. As soon as he gave enough, his cut closed up and there was no scar or scab. I had never seen an angel heal themselves or anyone for that matter, so this was a weird experience.

As soon as he was done, he disappeared as quickly as he appeared.

Daughter of the Moose (sequel to 'Married to a Moose')Where stories live. Discover now