Chapter 34

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"Hey Dean?"

"Yeah Sam?"

"Why don't you go talk to our friend and get that root while Alex and I get the rest of the stuff."

"Ok. Sounds like a plan." Dean sped off in the impala and my dad and I started figuring out where to get stuff.

"So, dad, where do we get the human heart?"

"We will go to the morgue, and take one off a body. I don't like stealing stuff from dead people, but it's our only choice."

"Ok. Umm, can I help with the human blood part? I want to be a part of this since it's kind of my fault we are dealing with this anyways."

"No. I don't want you hurting yourself for this. Dean can do it."

"Please. I know it's weird for me to say this, but I want to. I want to help in some way other than just having a list of the ingredients. Please."

"Fine. If you really want to, just be careful." He slid a separate bowl over to me so that all the ingredients would stay separated until we needed to mix them later. I went to cut my arm a little, but something was stopping me. I was scared I would cut too deep, and I was scared of the pain. I just couldn't hurt myself. My dad had gone to the bathroom, so I just had to wait until he came out.

"Hey Dad?" I asked as he came out of the bathroom.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" He asked, sensing the disappointment in my voice

"I can't do it. I can't cut myself. I'm scared I'm gonna cut too deep, and I'm scared its gonna hurt too bad when I do it."

"Hey, it's ok. You don't have to do it. Like I said, Dean can do it and I'm not gonna think you are a wuss if you don't do it."

"I still want to be a part of it and help. Will you help me?"

"No Alex. I'm not gonna cut my own daughter. I'm not gonna intentionally hurt you."

"I'm not gonna be mad if and when it hurts. Please. I just want to help." He nodded, giving in. He grabbed the knife from my hand.

"You sure you want me to? It's gonna hurt like hell."

"Yes." He made a cut in my arm and he was right-it hurt like hell. I winced and grimaced as the blade broke the skin and my blood trickled out. I could feel him pushing it into my skin and it was an uncomfortable feeling.

Once there was enough, he got me a towel. I was close to passing out. Not of blood loss, but of pain. He noticed this.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I know it hurt like crazy. I tried to be gentle. Are you gonna be ok?"

"I know you were gentle. I asked you to do it. Don't feel bad. I'll be fine." He nodded. Once my arm stopped bleeding, he and I headed to the morgue armed with our FBI badges. We were let in to see a particular body from a case a few days ago. When we weren't being very closely watched, we took the heart, told them thanks for their time, and left in a breeze. It was a quick trip, which I was thankful for. I was getting a little queasy.

When we were riding back to the hotel, it was silent. Far more silent than I wanted it to be.

"Are you ok?" I asked my dad.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because I can tell you aren't. Don't hide it dad. Just tell me what's wrong. Please. I hate seeing you guys upset."

"I'm just worried about you."


"You are getting super involved on every case and it gets dangerous, and I just don't want another being to try to kill you."

Daughter of the Moose (sequel to 'Married to a Moose')حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن