Chapter 81

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I was bored, but I felt safe. I just laid in bed and watched tv, anxiously waiting for them to return. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was my dad.

"Alex, we need your help. Badly. Please, take a cab or something. Just get here. I'm sorry. I know you said you were feeling sick, but I need your help."

"I'm on my way." I called a cab and got a ride to somewhere close to where they were. I ran down the street to the hunt, and I saw them. It wasn't good. My dad and Dean were tied to some metal posts. The other hunters had left except for Jack. "Where's everyone else?"

"This is you and me." Jack stated.

"Please. Just let them go."

"So they can help you? I don't think so."

"What do you want Jack?

"I want you, your dad, and Dean dead. Your dad claims you have no powers left, and granted, you didn't heal yourself, but you already helped organize demons to rebel and take over hell. You must be stopped. And your daddy over here thought I was stupid enough to believe that you were innocent, and Dean needs to pay for killing my friend too."

"I get that you're pissed, just please let them go. Kill me if you want, but let them go."

"No. You're gonna watch me kill them. Then, you're gonna die." He evilly laughed.

He started walking over to my dad with his blade. I pulled out my blade as well and was heading towards Jack to kill him. "Alex. Don't. I don't want you to lose your innocence by doing this. You were so hurt from the memory of killing that one guy. Don't do this." I ignored my dad, and ran full speed at Jack, stabbing him in the back. He collapsed on the ground, dead. It was a trap though. The others came all at once. I ran to my dad to cut his ropes loose, but the rope was too thick. I was running out of time. I easily killed Christian and Harrison, but Kyle was quick. Kyle had managed to shove me to the ground before I killed Harrison, and once Harrison was dead, he looked like he was about to kill me. I closed my eyes, bracing for the pain. He didn't though. He stuck out his hand and helped me up.

"I'm sorry about them. I'm not gonna kill you." I moved my blade to his neck. "I'm not gonna kill them either. I'm not like those other hunters. I know Dean didn't mean to kill my friend and I know you're cured. I promise." He said with a gentle smile. He walked over to my dad and Dean with me, and helped me get them free.

"Thanks, Kyle." I always knew you were a good kid." My dad said.

"No problem. Those guys are jerks. Are you ok Alex?"

"Yeah. Thanks for not killing me, or them." Kyle was so sweet. It was kind of weird, but it was nice.

"Well, I'm gonna head home then since the rest of the gang is dead now."

"Do you need a ride?" Dean asked. Dean never let other people in the impala. This was surprising.

"Do you mind? I know you love your car."

"No. You saved our lives, and didn't kill Alex either. It's the least I can do." We dropped Kyle off then headed back to the hotel.

When Dean was in the bathroom, my dad asked me a question. "Why didn't you stop when you were fighting Jack? I didn't want you to lose your feeling of innocence and normalness."

"Dad, you don't honestly think I would have let him kill you, do you? I knew I needed to kill him. I'll be ok."

"I knew you probably wouldn't have stopped, but I know it's hard for you to kill people. Even those who deserve it."

"I'm fine, Dad." He nodded. "By the way, great friends." I said sarcastically.

"Sorry about that. I should have believed you about Jack."

"It's ok." Then Dean came out of the bathroom.

"Hey, Alex. Thanks for coming when we called and for saving our butts. Sorry we pulled you back in."

"It's ok Dean. Don't worry about it." I was actually considering that I might want back in. Saving their butts made me feel like I had a purpose and a need to protect my family.

Daughter of the Moose (sequel to 'Married to a Moose')Where stories live. Discover now