Chapter 82

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A/N remember my last book. The reader was the main character aka Sam's wife aka Alex's mom. *Y/N means your name*

It was late and I was going to bed one night, when I realized that I was completely out of my "feminine products". The guys were in bed asleep already, so I decided I would just head out to the drug store and get some. Plus, it's embarrassing. I grabbed my keys and drove to the CVS down the block. It was a short trip, I got what I needed, then headed back to the bunker. Last time I took a short trip, I got beat up fairly badly by a demon, but this time, I was fine. I was careful.

I put my keys back and walked to my room. I opened my door, and both my dad and Dean were sitting on my bed, pissed as could be.

"Where were you, Alex?" My dad asked

"I needed to pick something up from CVS."

"Let me see." He said, pointing at the bag. I gave it to him.

"You disobeyed me for this? We would have taken you."

"How did I disobey you? And I'm not gonna ask my uncle and my dad to take me to go get things like this. It's embarrassing to ask for. Plus, you were both in bed."

"I've told you numerous times not to go anywhere without my permission. You agreed and promised me you wouldn't. You could have gotten yourself killed. I don't care if it's embarrassing or if we are in bed. If you need something, you ask us. I'm very disappointed in you, Alex." My dad said sadly.

"Dean, come on, back me up here."

"I agree with Sammy on this one. You went against our rule and you could have gotten yourself killed. I'm upset too."

"I hate being the mean dad here, Alex, but you're grounded. 1 week."

"But dad-"

"I don't want to hear it. 1 week. That's final. You will stay in your room other than to get food, use the bathroom, that sort of thing, or if we need your help with research." My dad said as he and Dean walked past me out the door and to their rooms.

I really thought my dad was overreacting. And Dean didn't help me at all. I understood they just cared, but it was just a simple trip to CVS. It was no big deal. I couldn't help my tears of sadness and frustration. My dad was disappointed in me. I couldn't handle being a disappointment. I laid down and just cried.

I was so pissed. I texted them both. 'You guys suck!' They didn't respond.

"Mom." I spoke out. "If you can hear me, you have no idea how much I want to talk to you. Dad and Dean are so mad at me and I don't know what to do anymore and-" I didn't even finish my sentence because I no longer had any words. Suddenly, I heard a thump. My eyes were welled up with tears so I couldn't see.

"Hey Cas." I said.

"I'm not Cas. It's me." I looked up and there was my mom standing right in front of me.

"How are you?-"

"I'm an angel. Your friend Cas gave me some of his grace when I died. I'm part angel now."

"Oh." I said, too shocked to formulate a sentence. "What are you doing here?" I choked out.

"You were really upset. You need someone."

"Yeah, but you didn't come once my dad died. I was more upset then."

"Dean was around. I honestly thought he would talk to you. I'm sorry honey. I never came when you wanted to talk to me because it's not safe. Even this isn't safe for any of you."

"What do you mean?"

"Angels are after me because I didn't kill you when you were helping those demons. Yes I know that wasn't your fault, and if I came to you, then they could use me to get to you."

Daughter of the Moose (sequel to 'Married to a Moose')Where stories live. Discover now