Chapter 70

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I could tell he wasn't gonna talk about it on his own, so I let it go for the time being. I leaned my head against the window and watched the passing trees as we headed home. A long stretch of green blobs of trees, followed by the occasional empty field. It was peaceful, and was one reason I didn't mind we traveled when we hunted. We still had many hours to go. It was getting pretty boring though. My iPod had been in my bag, and they didn't think to pull it out when they put me in the car.

"Guys, can we stop? I had my iPod in my bag and I'm really bored right now. Unless you can come up with anything fun to do."

"Oh. Yeah, sorry I didn't even think about that when I grabbed your stuff." Dean said

"It's cool. It's just a long drive with nothing but trees around." Dean pulled the car over to the side of the road. I got out and went to the trunk. I was digging through my bag and got my iPod out. I turned around after shutting the trunk, and I saw a man running towards me. He was too fast for me to get to the door before he started beating me up. My dad and Dean started getting out of the car seeing what was going on.

"Leave her alone!" my dad shouted before punching the man in the face. The man seemed unfazed. Dean was crouched down on the ground making sure I was ok while my dad tried to fight the guy off. He wasn't succeeding.

This guy was extremely strong. He wasn't fazed by any of my dad's punches or kicks. He even punched Dean several times. Dean was starting to look pretty bad himself. This guy slashed at me and my dad with his knife. He laid into my dad just full on punching and attacking him with no mercy. I gathered enough strength to stand with Dean's help. I pulled my blade from my coat and with every last bit of my strength jumped at him right before he was about to stab my dad who was shoved against the car and nearly unconscious. I managed to fall on him with enough force that the blade went through his back and he flickered and died.

~Sam's POV~

'This is it.' I thought to myself. This guy was gonna kill me right then and there, not to mention in front of Alex and Dean. Then all of a sudden, Alex jumped onto the guy and stabbed him. He was dead, but I was afraid Alex was too. I could barely stay conscious, but I crouched by Alex. She was unconscious and her arm was bleeding really bad.

"Dean. Call 911." I mumbled at him. He understood enough to figure it out. I tried to hold Alex in my arms and get her to wake up. She was bleeding quickly all down my arms. I took off my coat and tied the sleeve around the spot on her arm, and it sort of worked.

"Alex? Wake up please." I slurred at her. Nothing happened, and I was losing blood quickly as well.

"Dean." I said before everything went black.

~Dean's POV~
"Sammy?!" I shouted at him. He was losing blood too fast, and so was Alex. The 911 call didn't go through. It was too secluded of an area. I did the only thing I could do. I drove them. We weren't too far from a town with a hospital, but the forested part we were in made cell service not work. I looked at Sam's wound on his leg and tied my coat around it. It helped a little, but not enough. I needed to hurry if he would make it. Same with Alex. I carried Sam as best as I could and put him in the passenger seat. I laid Alex down in the backseat. I turned the car on and flew down the road.

It took about 5 minutes to get to the town. I was almost to the exit. I couldn't help the tears falling down my face. Sammy's eyes kept fluttering rapidly. I thought I was losing him. Alex was bleeding through Sammy's coat and onto the seat just as Sammy was bleeding through my coat. We were almost there. I pulled into the hospital parking lot. I called for a doctor and a couple of nurses came running out. One took Alex away and the other Sam. One walked with me inside and took me to a room to get checked out. Turned out, I had a pretty bad gash in the side of my face that needed a couple stitches.

"You didn't feel this?" The doctor asked as he put the stitches in.

"No. I was too worried about my brother and niece. I guess I didn't notice."

"Adrenaline will do that to you." He chuckled as he finished up, then told me I could wait in the waiting room.

I tried to sit and wait, but I paced. I couldn't do anything. I just kept pacing. The receptionist called me up to the desk and said that Alex was awake and I could see her.

I walked to her room and looked in. She looked so hurt. Her face was bruised and she was hooked to so many monitors and she had a large stitched gash on her arm.

"Dean!" She said excitedly.

"Hey. Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I'm a little banged up, but I'm ok. How are you?"

"I'm fine, but I'm really worried about Sammy."

"Why? What happened?" She asked, concerned.

"He was trying to get you to wake up, but he was losing blood really fast. Cell service wouldn't work when I tried to call 911 so I drove you two here. You were both unconscious and bleeding really bad. I just don't know how he's doing."

"Is he gonna die Dean?" She asked through tears.

"Honey, I hope not. I got you both here as fast as I could. We don't know for sure, but they haven't told me anything. Your dad is strong, Alex. I'm sure he'll fight as hard as he can to stay alive. He loves you too much to let you go." I said trying to be consoling while still telling her I wasn't sure.

"I know he's strong. He'll make it. He has to." I nodded. "I'm gonna go see if they'll let me see him."

I walked to the nurse and asked if I could see Sammy. She said sure but that he was still out cold. They didn't know when or if he would wake up. He could breathe on his own, but that didn't mean he'd make it. I sat in a chair next to his bed. He looked so broken. There were so many tubes and monitors everywhere. I didn't know if he could hear me, but I talked to him anyways.

"Sammy, I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm here. I'm sure you know what happened, so I'm not gonna try to explain it. I just need you to wake up. Please. You are so strong Sammy. You can fight this. You can't leave us now. Alex is ok. She's in another room, but she's fine." I put my head in my hands to cry. "You can't leave us now. Especially Alex. She needs you so much and loves you to death. You love her far too much to let it go now. She needs you Sammy. I need you. I can't live without you. You're my brother. I can't lose you again. You're my brother and no matter how upset and pissed I get, I will always love you. Alex and I need you. Please. Just wake up." I said desperately with my head still in my hands. Suddenly, I felt a hand. It was weak, but I felt a hand on my arm. I looked up, and Sam was looking at me.
"Dean." He whispered.

"Nurse!!!" I shouted. They ran in and saw he was awake. They checked blood pressure and everything. He was ok but really weak. They gave him a 99% chance of being totally fine and if all goes well, we could take him home tonight or the next day.

"Hey Sammy. I don't know if you heard any of that, but Alex is ok."

"I heard it all." He said softly. "I wanna talk to you later, but go talk to Alex. I'm really weak and tired and I want to rest."

"Ok. I'll be back later." I went to tell Alex the news.

A/N hey guys! I hope you've been enjoying this book so far. Comment and let me know what you think. Plus, please go follow ArielSmith720 she is writing a supernatural book and she is really good. She has been a big supporter of this book and my last one.

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