Chapter 45

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"Ok, Alex, tell us what you know."

"Ok. So, all I know about the iron is that from when I was really little, my parents told me I was allergic to touching iron so I always avoided it with no question about it. I was told I swelled up really bad. That's why I didn't know I would react. All I know is that makes me a monster and I'm scared."

"Well, Why did you run off?"

"I thought since you saw how I reacted thought you wouldn't get custody and I was afraid you guys would just kill me since I'm a monster."

"We believe you about not knowing, and we would never hurt or kill you. Either of us no matter what." Dean chimed in, gesturing at the both of them. I nodded.

"Let's give it a rest for today. You need some sleep, and you need to put the ice pack back on your face. It's starting to swell again." My dad came over and handed me the ice pack.

"Goodnight Alex." He said before kissing me on the forehead and heading out. Dean walked over to me and sat on the edge of the bed and let out a big sigh.

"Alex, I'm sorry. We shouldn't have pushed you with so many questions, and I'm sorry that I made you feel like we would hurt you or kill you. I know I have that mentality when I hunt and there's the mark and everything. I know I act like anything that's a monster deserves to die. You are not a monster and never will be."

"It's ok Dean. I get it. Don't feel bad. I wouldn't blame you if you had wanted to hurt me for this. Monsters deserve it."

"Hey. Don't you dare say you deserve to be hurt or killed. You are amazing and I am still your uncle and I still love you. Don't be so hard on yourself...... Just get some sleep kiddo."

"Ok. Love you too. Goodnight Dean." I said sadly.

Daughter of the Moose (sequel to 'Married to a Moose')Where stories live. Discover now