Chapter 4

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Once I got home, I went upstairs to bed, and just laid there messing around on my phone. I decided to text Sam.

'Hey Sam. I haven't decided, but I wanted to say thanks to you both for dinner. It was nice to finally meet you.'

'It was great to meet you too Alex. You remind me so much of your mom.'

'I don't know how to choose. This is so hard Sam. What do I do?'

'I can't tell you what to do, well I can since technically I'm your dad, but I'm not going to. It's your choice. I'm gonna understand either way.'

'Thanks. I'll be sure to let you know. Goodnight Sam.'

'Goodnight Alex.'

I put my phone down on my bedside table and just laid there. I couldn't think straight. Too many pros and cons about both. I really wanted to go to law school, but I also wanted a life with my dad. I realized that he loved me and I was starting to think that I loved him back. I was so conflicted.

I eventually fell asleep. The alarm went off again way. Too. early.
I got up anyways, took my shower, and headed to school. It was another rough day, but I couldn't seem to pay attention in any of my classes. I couldn't keep my mind off of Sam. Was his life the kind of life I should be in? Was he more important than law school? I ran these questions through my mind over and over, never getting a clear and concise answer. It wasn't until I was in the middle of homework after school that I realized: I can always go back to school later. I can get my degree later, and I was ok with that.

I texted Sam again.

'I made my choice. Can we meet up again, and I need another excuse besides meeting a friend who is afraid of the bullies?'

'Yeah, we can meet up. How about the target down the road a couple blocks? You are meeting up with a friend to buy supplies for a class project.'

That just might work. "Hey mom?" I hollered downstairs.

"Yeah?" She said as she came to the stairs.

"I need to make a trip down to target. I'm meeting up with a friend from my science class. We need to get supplies for a project. I shouldn't be too long. We just have to decide what we are using and get it."

"I guess. Just don't be too long. I know you still have homework."

"I'll be as fast as I can. I promise." I gave her a hug then left. When I got there, Sam was waiting for me outside the car.

"Hey Sam. Where's Dean?"

"Oh, he's at the hotel room. He didn't want to make anything more difficult since this is kind of between you and me."

"Oh, well, he's family too. But ok."

"So, what's your choice?" Sam said eagerly. "Sorry. That came out more desperate than I wanted it to."

"It's ok. Um, I want to go with you." I said shyly

"Really? Are you sure? I don't want you to regret it."

"Yeah. I realized that I can always go back to school later in life and go to law school and/ or get a GED. Whatever I need to. Right now, I want my family. I want to be with my real dad. I can see it in your eyes that you love me, and I love you too. I want to be with you. As long as you are up for being my dad, I'm up for being your daughter." I said with a smile.

"Yes, of course." He said before hugging me.

"One question though Sam."

"What is it Alex?"

"How do I leave with you guys? My parents won't let me. They forbid you to even talk to me."

"Ummm, let me think on it. I'll text you what I come up with."

"Ok. Sounds good." Sam drove me to one of my neighbor's houses, where I walked home from there. I hurriedly finished my homework and laid on my bed. I officially had a dad. A real dad who loved me and whom I loved back.

Daughter of the Moose (sequel to 'Married to a Moose')Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon