Chapter 76

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"Cas, please, we need your help with Alex. It shouldn't take long. Please."

Cas appeared quickly. "What do you guys need?"

"Alex has some residual powers left in her, and they make her lash out. Can you see if there's enough residual powers for me to extract so she doesn't have to deal with this?" Cas nodded. He placed two fingers to my forehead and looked. "There's enough to extract. One extraction will get rid of them completely."

"Thanks Cas." My dad said just before he disappeared again. "Do you want to do this, Alex?"

"Yeah, let's get it over with." We just did it at the main table since Crowley was no longer in the panic room. We did the usual, and this time I stayed conscious. It wasn't as bad as it used to be. "So that's it? No more lashing out? I'm ok now?"

"Yep. You are 100% power free." My dad said with a smile.

"Yay! Finally." I exclaimed. "Now what?"

"We look for a new hunt." Unfortunately, it was time for more research. Minutes, hours, days, nothing. A whole lot of nothing. We kept searching and searching, when finally after about a week, something came up. It looked like it was a witch. There had been a string of killings where little strange bags were left behind. We all knew it was a witch, and weren't too happy considering our last run-in with one.

"Dad?" I asked before we went to pack up our gear for the hunt.

"Yeah honey?"

"Are you sure you are up for this hunt? I know the last time we dealt with a witch, things didn't go well for you."

"I'll be fine, Alex."

"I just don't want you getting hurt. I just worry. I don't know what I'd do if this witch hurt you."

"I know you worry. I'll be careful. You should too."

"We'll all be careful." I said. We all went and packed up anything we'd need and headed out. It wasn't too far. I was worried though. Witches were no good. I hated them almost as much as demons. We viewed the crime scenes to confirm that it was really a witch. There was a hex bag in the dead guy's pocket, so we were sure. We did some looking around and based on evidence and security footage, we confirmed it was the doctor my dad had at the first hospital.

"Sh*t." I heard my dad mutter once he figured out it was the same girl.

"You sure about this dad?"

"Yes. This chick is gonna pay."

We tracked her down to an old run down building. We gathered our gear and busted in. It was weird. It appeared as though the witch was expecting us.

"Back for more, Winchesters?" She asked. "Apparently my last attempt didn't work on you, Sammy." She used some sort of spell to make us unable to move at all. She walked over to my dad.

"Leave him alone!" I shouted. She used some other spell and made me and Dean fall to the ground in pain. I was clutching my chest and stomach. It hurt so bad. I writhed around in pain on the floor. I felt as though I was being eaten from the inside out. I had no clue what she was doing to me, but I didn't know how much more I could take. My chest was on fire and my stomach was in knots. I started to cough up blood slightly. She got even closer to my dad and pulled out a blade.

"No! No!" I shouted as best as I could.

"You're gonna pay Sammy. You are gonna pay." She said ominously into his face.

"Alex, Dean. I love you." He said, anticipating what would happen next. I didn't even have a chance to shout at her or say anything back to my dad. She took the blade and stabbed my dad right through the chest. He collapsed to the floor in a blood covered heap. Dean gathered enough strength and pulled out his gun loaded with special bullets that could kill her. He fired and she fell to the floor, dead. I could breathe and move again. I rushed to my dad.

"Dad! Dad!" I frantically shouted. "Daaaad!!!!" I couldn't stop screaming. I was freaking out.

"Alex." Dean turned me to face him. He had tears flooding from his eyes. "He's gone kiddo. I'm so sorry." I didn't even say anything back. I just sat there and hugged Dean. I couldn't stop my tears and frankly, I didn't want to.

"Can't Cas save him like he did to my mom?"

"It's too late for Cas to help."

"It can't be too late, Dean. He has to live. I can't lose my dad. Please. Do something." I said frantically through the tears.

"I can't do anything, Alex. I'm sorry. I wish I could bring him back, but I can't."

"Then let me sell my soul. I need him back."

"No, Alex. No. Absolutely not. Don't you dare."

"Alright. I won't. I just don't know what to do. He can't be gone. He just can't." I said, starting to hyperventilate.

"I know, Alex. I know it's hard. I'm not saying it's not hard for me either. I'm barely together right now. Just know it's not your fault."

"I should have stopped him from coming. I knew this was a bad idea."

"It's not your fault Alex. He was gonna come regardless. He'll be ok. He's a good man. We'll give him a nice burial ok?" All I could do was nod. Dean stood up as I looked at my father's body crumpled on the floor. "Come here kiddo." Dean stated. I got up, and he wrapped me in the tightest hug I've ever seen or felt. It was well needed. We headed out, Dean carrying my dad to the car and laying him in the backseat. Dean let me drive so I didn't have the temptation to look at my dad's face.

"Dean?" I asked as I drove.

"Yeah, Alex?" He replied through the tears.

"What do we do now? I can't go on without my dad."

"We are both gonna have to push through it. People need saving. It's what Sammy would want. He'd want us both to be as happy as possible while he's gone. I'm right here with you. I've lost him before. It's hard. It's crazy difficult to get through this, but we need to for Sammy's sake."

"I don't know that I can."

"Just promise me you'll try."

"Ok." I replied. I would try. I knew I would fail, but I would try. We got back to the bunker, grabbed the materials we needed and headed to a secluded part of the forest nearby. Dean agreed to bury my dad rather than do a typical hunter's funeral in case he came back and because I didn't want to watch my dad burn. We laid my dad in the cold earth. We each said a few words.

"Sammy. I never say it enough, but I hope you know it's true. I love you man. We fight sometimes, but I love you to death. I meant what I said at the hospital. I can't live without you. I'm gonna try my best though."

"Dad. I don't even know what to say. I love you so much. I can't believe I didn't stop you from going. I could have stopped this from happening." Dean placed a hand on my shoulder. "I don't know how I'm gonna go on without you. I love you dad. If you can hear any of this by some weird thing, then that's what I want you to know and remember."

We finished his burial, and went back inside. We had some burgers for dinner but I wasn't hungry. Dean sat down and moped his way through dinner, but I just went to my room and cried. I desperately wanted my dad to come in and just tell me it would all be ok.

Daughter of the Moose (sequel to 'Married to a Moose')Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin