Chapter 39

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~Alex's POV~

Dean came and sat next to me in the waiting room. Dean let out a big sigh.
He wanted to say something, but he didn't.

A little while later, we took my dad home. He sat on the couch most of the time, too tired to move much. Dean was spending most of the day in his room, avoiding both of us.

"Dad, what's up with Dean? I mean, I know he's upset about what he did, but is there another reason why he is avoiding us?"

"Yeah, umm, he's upset that you won't forgive him. He knows he nearly killed me and says he doesn't deserve forgiveness, but he desperately wants it."

"Do you expect me to forgive him right away? After what he did to you?"

"No. I didn't say that. I understand why you haven't yet. The only reason I did is because I've known him for so long and I've been through so much with him that I know he could never do that unless he was forced to. Just please go talk to him. You don't have to forgive him right now, but just talk to him so he can maybe start talking to us again."

"Ok." Was all I said

I walked over to Dean's room, and knocked on the door before trying the handle. It was locked

"Dean? I just want to talk. Please." I said as I pounded on his door. He came and unlocked it. I sat in a chair and he sat on his bed.

"Dean, please, just tell me why you're avoiding us."

"Fine. I desperately want your forgiveness ok?" He said. " I know I probably don't deserve it, but I want your forgiveness. I don't want you to be mad at me, and I want things to go back to generally how they were. It's torture having Sam and I be on good terms, yet when I see you, you seem to look at me like I'm some kind of monster. I know I am, but..." I cut him off.

"Dean, I never said I wouldn't be able to forgive you ever, I just need time. I want things to go back to how they were too, but I just can't forgive you yet after what you did to me. I thought you were gonna kill my dad and then come after me. I know you say it wasn't intentional, but it still hurt me. I'm not trying to look at you like a monster. You aren't a monster, and I know you said it was just the mark. Just give me some time to figure stuff out, and in the meantime, come and join us out there. My dad is tired of you ignoring us."

"Ok. I'll give you some time. I get it. I'll join you guys out there. Just remember I really am sorry."

"Thanks Dean. And, I know you are sorry."

Dean and I went back out to my dad who was still on the couch and watching tv.

"Hiya Sammy."

"Hey Dean." He said, perking up a bit

"Sorry I've been ignoring you. I just..."

"I know Dean. I get it." Dean nodded and we sat down. We ended up just spending the day watching stupid shows no one cares about.

A/N hey all!! Sorry for the boringness of my chapters recently. I know what I want to happen in my head, but I was having trouble putting it down and make it as interesting as it looks in my head. Keep commenting, and keep reading please. I'm trying to keep it interesting, but you know, writers block, and such. For me it's almost like trying to describe a super plotty supernatural episode to someone who hasn't watched the show.
I love all of you who read this. :)

Daughter of the Moose (sequel to 'Married to a Moose')Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora