Chapter 12

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I sat down at my laptop and started looking for a case. After a good couple days, we finally found one. "Hey guys? I found a case. I think it's a demon."
They walked over and looked at the news story I had found.

"Yep. Looks like a demon. We'll head out in a little bit here then. Lets gank this thing." Dean said. They left a few minutes later, and I stayed at the bunker, bored and upset that they wouldn't let me go. They returned a little while later. They only had a few cuts and scrapes this time. No one needed any stitches, which I was thankful for.

"We're back!" my dad hollered as they entered.

"Hey." I said as I moped into my room. I didn't mean to sound as pouty as I did, but it came across with the boredom and alone feeling I had. I just decided to go lay down in bed and listen to music. Dad came in to tell me that they got dinner. "I'm not hungry." I said in reply. He then walked over and gently pulled my earbuds out of my ears.

"What's wrong Alex?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

"Don't worry about it." I said trying to avoid talking about it.

"Alex. I know something's wrong. Just talk to me."

"It's just not fair ok?"

"What's not fair?" He asked. Forgetting our conversation from the other day.

"That you won't let me hunt with you guys. You can train me. Please. I just want to feel like a part of this family."

"Honey, you are a part of this family. I just don't want you getting hurt."

"You didn't care about my mom getting hurt or dying for that matter. She got to hunt with you." I instantly regretted what I said. He simply got up and walked out.

"Dad!" I hollered as I got up and followed him out the door. He was just sitting on the couch, angrily and upsetly stabbing his salad. I sat next to him. Before I could say anything, he spoke up.

"I don't want to talk to you right now. Not if you're gonna act like that." He said, totally pissed off. "Why are you so mad? Hunting is just a way to get yourself killed. I just don't want you to die. I regret letting your mom hunt with us for that very reason."

"Because all I do is sit here and help you find a case, and then you leave for hours, and it will probably end up being for days if you guys end up needing to travel, and I'm stuck here. It's boring for one thing, and I hate that you don't think your reason for not wanting me to hunt doesn't go both ways. I don't want you guys to get killed either, but I can't stop you."

"I understand it is boring. And yes, I get what you are saying, but the thing is, I can stop you from getting yourself killed. That's the difference. I'm sorry, but no."

"I just don't feel at home here ok?! You guys leave me here alone, I hardly see you guys, I don't get to help you, and I just don't feel like I belong with you guys." This time Dean walks over after hearing the whole conversation.

"Hey Alex, I'm sorry you don't feel at home. We want you to feel at home, but we don't want to risk you getting killed and especially risk it being because of us. We'd be worrying too much about you being safe, and that could end in all of us being killed. You do belong with us. We both love you so much. I'm sorry you're not feeling at home. We are trying our best."

"I know you're trying Dean. Now I just want to be alone." I said before grabbing a burger and heading to my room.

Daughter of the Moose (sequel to 'Married to a Moose')Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum