Chapter 47

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We walked out to Dean.

"Hey Dean. I just want to say sorry for the way I reacted. I'm not gonna run off and push you guys away anymore."

"It's ok Alex. I know this is all crazy and hard for you. I totally get it."

"Thanks Dean. By the way, what were you contemplating telling me?"

"Ummm..." he hesitated. "We think your parents were involved with your powers somehow."

"How do you think they were involved? I don't remember them doing anything or getting me to do anything."

"That's sort of our point. We think they made you forget."

"Ok. So what are you going to do?"

"We need your approval of course, but we wanted to go check out the house again. And we would need your help in case we find anything suspicious."

"Ummm. I don't know." I said. I wasn't sure I could handle going back again.

"It's ok. I know you're scared, but we can get to the bottom of this if you help us. I promise we'll say away from the front door as much as possible." My dad consoled me.

"Alright. We can go. Just go easy on asking any questions."

"Of course." They both said

The next day, we headed out. It was a long but necessary drive. I internally freaked out the whole drive. They could see it.



"You ok? It's gonna be alright. I know it's scary, but it's gonna be ok."

"not really, but don't worry." I replied to my dad.

"Why shouldn't I worry? You're my daughter and you are upset and scared. Of course I'm gonna worry."

"I'll be ok. It's just gonna take time. I just want this to all be over with." He opened his mouth to say something, but didn't.

We eventually got to my old house and that nervous feeling returned to my stomach. I felt really sick as we pushed through the crime scene tape and walked in. They went with me upstairs. We would start in my room and my parents' room. I sat on the end of the bed. The guys dug through my closet and desk, just looking for anything. My dad went into the bathroom connected to my room. He searched the medicine cabinet and something struck his eye.

"Alex? What is this?" He asked, showing me a pill bottle.

"Oh. It's some medicine I've been prescribed. I don't take it all the time, but every so often, my parents told me it was time to take it. I took it probably once a month or so. Why?"

"You didn't bring it with you, and plus, there's a very major problem."

"I forgot and then they told me to take one once I came back. What's the problem?"

"I've seen this before. This is a special pill that is almost impossible to find... Once taken, the person can't consciously remember anything that happened over the past 4 hours, but the memories would still be engrained in their head."

"You don't think...." I started to ask

"I do Alex. I think they were training you to take over hell and then would give you the pill so you would forget that they taught you anything, but it would still be engrained in your head subconsciously."

"Well how do I get the memories out of my subconscious?"

"I don't know. We'll do some research and figure it out." My dad said.

"Ok. Can we go now?"

"Uhh yeah." Dean chimed in. We piled back into the impala and headed back. "Hey Alex?" He asked

"Yeah Dean?"

"Why did you want to go so extra bad? I know it's creepy, but I thought you missed your bed and everything? And you seemed ok."

"It's not that I don't miss my bed like I said, it's just that my parents were murdered there because of me and now we found out they were using me and it just creeps me out now."

"I understand. I was just making sure there wasn't anything more to it."

"I would have told you if there was." Dean just nodded.

We arrived back at the bunker after another long ride. We walked in and sat around one of the tables. We were just doing research.

"Dad, Dean?" I spoke up after some silent research.

"Yeah Alex?" Dean asked as they both looked up at me.

"I'm not pushing you away, but can I go be alone for a while? I just need some time to myself to think about everything."

"Yeah, of course. If you want to talk, come get us or text one of us ok?"

"Ok." I said before heading to my room.

Daughter of the Moose (sequel to 'Married to a Moose')Where stories live. Discover now