Chapter 77

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I laid there with my face buried in my pillow. I cried and cried and cried. I cried for hours. I checked the clock, and suddenly it said 1 am. I peeked out the door and saw all the lights in the bunker were off. Dean didn't even say goodnight to me. I walked to his room and knocked gently. He got up and opened the door.

"Sorry. You didn't say goodnight. I just..." I started. He just gave me a hug and proceeded to cry as hard as I was already. I didnt know if he just wanted a hug, or felt bad for not saying goodnight.

"Dean, can we spend the night on the couch again? I don't think either one of us really wants to sleep alone tonight. Not that either of us will probably get any sleep."

"Yeah." He simply stated. I didn't sense much emotion in his voice, which was surprising. We laid on the couch just like when my dad was at the hospital. I leaned into his shoulder, and continued crying. I thought by that point, I would be out of tears, but I wasn't. Dean attempted to calm me down slightly, but due to him being upset, it didn't really help either of us. I eventually fell asleep. Oh how I wished I could have been the one to die and not my dad. My dad didn't deserve to die. My dad was a great man as Dean had said. I didn't know what I was going to do.

I woke up in the morning still leaning next to Dean. I got up and poured myself some coffee. I drank it, then went to my room. I shut myself inside and just listened to my music.

"Alex?" Dean asked as he opened my door.


"I was just seeing where you were. I got up and you weren't there."

"I'm right here." I said bluntly. I put my earbuds back in and continued laying there. I laid there for days on end. I would get up and get food and something to drink, or use the bathroom, but otherwise I didn't get up or leave my room. I quit talking to Dean other than saying goodnight or good morning or to ask him to get more food. I was sinking into a deep depression. This went on for a couple months. There was nothing I could do about it. Hunting just scared me, Dean wasn't talking about any of it, my dad was gone, and I was stuck in a meaningless life.

"Alex, you gotta come out of there sometime. This isn't good for you." Dean spoke up one day.

"I can't. I can't go on without my dad."

"I know it's hard. You need to try to be happy. It's what he would want."

"Don't you dare go telling me what my dad would want. He isn't here. You don't know what he would want me to do. It's not like you're any better. You haven't talked to anyone either. You just mope around like me. So just shut up." I snapped back. Dean didn't say anything.

~Dean's POV and a time jump~
It had been almost a year since Sammy died. I had never seen Alex so upset. Alex had been through a lot, but I couldn't imagine how hard this was for her. She stopped coming out of her room except for food or to go to the bathroom. She wouldn't talk to me anymore. I was worried about her, but I was worried about myself as well, and how I would carry on without my brother. I had gone through him dying many times, but this was different now that Alex was in our lives. Suddenly, there was a knock at my bedroom door. I opened it, and it was Sam.

"Sam?" I asked confused

"Hey, Dean." I pulled out my blade.

"Go ahead. You can check if I'm a shapeshifter or whatever." I did the normal tests. He was Sam. I gave him a huge hug. I didn't even feel embarrassed when I cried a little.

"How's Alex?"

"Not good. She hasn't come out of her room since you died. She hardly talks to me anymore. I'm really worried about her."

Daughter of the Moose (sequel to 'Married to a Moose')Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora