Chapter 55

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"Crowley!?!" My dad half yelled.

"Yes Sam. Is that all? I am very busy."

"Yes." My dad said sadly and Cas disappeared.

"Dad?" I asked cautiously

"Yeah, I know what you're gonna ask. I just don't want Crowley to have that much power."

"I was gonna say, I'll deal with the powers if its better. I know how you feel about Crowley's power."

"No. I don't want you dealing with this. You'll give him your powers. I'll work out a deal with Crowley." I nodded. Dean walked in and we explained everything to him.

"No Sam!" Dean shouted after my dad explained what Cas said. "He'll use it for evil."

"I know Dean, but Alex can't control it. She's not strong enough." He looked at me after saying that with sorry written on his face. "I didn't mean..."

"I know what you meant dad." I said. I did. I knew I wasn't strong enough for this.

"Dean, she has to. It's our only option."

"Fine. But we have to work out a deal."

"I agree."

"Guys, can we deal with Crowley and all of this tomorrow? I'm kinda tired of summoning him and talking to Cas and everything for a while. I'm just kinda drained. I was gonna head to bed."

"Yeah. Of course. It is getting late, so go ahead. Goodnight Alex."

"Night guys." I said before giving them hugs and heading to bed.

Daughter of the Moose (sequel to 'Married to a Moose')Where stories live. Discover now