Chapter 22

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I carried a pillow, my blanket, and the air mattress to my dad's room and got set up on the floor. He was up, and just laying there in bed.

"Hey, how ya feeling?" I asked once I was set up

"I'm ok. My head stopped spinning and now it just kind of hurts really bad. I just took some medicine though so it should go away. How about you? Based on your cut and what Dean told me, you could have died if that blade had been a centimeter closer to your heart. I'm so happy you didn't. I don't know if I could live with the guilt if you had."

"I'm fine. Dean stitched it up after we got you back here. Now, I don't want to wear you out with a bunch of talking, but I do have a question."

"What's up Alex? You know you can ask me anything."

"Dean mentioned a reason why he was so worried about you. He said that he was scared you seemed ok but really weren't. When I asked him why you would seem fine but weren't, he said that he would tell me later or you would tell me. What is he talking about?"

"I'll tell you, but you have to swear you won't be mad at Dean or me."

"Of course."

"Well," Sam started " this has to do with your mom. There was a hunt we went on where it ended up being me against Dean. The mark lit up in him and he went crazy, and I had this thing going on with a demon blood addiction popping back up, which is a long story you don't want to hear, and that I don't want to tell at his point. He and I were gonna end up killing each other. Your mom didn't want to lose us so she stepped in. It pulled me out of it, but it was too late for Dean. He ended up stabbing her on accident. We took her to a hospital, but there was nothing they could do. They said she was gonna die. We took her home for our last moments with her, and soon enough, she woke up and seemed totally fine. She eventually told us that she could feel the life draining from her...." I cut Sam off

"I thought you said a creature killed her, but it was really Dean?"

"No. There's more to this. Dean prayed to our angel friend Castiel who came and healed her. She was totally fine after that, and I mean really fine. Dean is scared that it's gonna be the same way with me."

"I'm scared too. I don't want to lose you either."

"I know. Trust me, I'm fine and I'm getting better." I nodded. "And just to be sure, you aren't mad at Dean about that. I know he still beats himself up over it sometimes."

"Yes, I'm not mad. And on the topic of Dean beating himself over that, you shouldn't beat yourself up about her death. That's not your fault either. Dean and I would never blame you for that."

"I know. I just wish I had been there for her."

"I know dad. I get it. One more question... Once you are feeling completely better, can we go out for dinner, just me and you, so we can talk? Also, we need to figure out what the heck that thing was."

"Yeah we can do that once I'm better. And, yeah, we do. We've never seen that kind of thing before."

"Cool. Well, I think we can both use some sleep. Goodnight Dad." I said as I got up and stood next to the bed, giving him a hug.

"Goodnight Alex." He said as he hugged back and gave me a fatherly kiss on the forehead. I couldn't help but smile. I never thought it would feel so great to have a real father.

Daughter of the Moose (sequel to 'Married to a Moose')Where stories live. Discover now