Chapter 63

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We climbed in the impala. "Now Dean, continue. Please."

"Look Alex, I love that you and Sam are here for me and everything, but I'm seriously just a screw up. I can't fight the mark forever and I'm just afraid of it. It is enough that I have all of what you said, but it's really hard with all the bad I deal with."

"Well you can at least try to fight it. And do you think I don't know what it feels like to think there's no hope and you mess everything up? How do you think I felt when I reacted to the iron? I felt worthless, and when you guys made my powers come out, and pushed me with questions, I felt like a screw up and that I would never be able to fight the powers. I was having trouble dealing with it, but you guys loved me anyways. You didn't treat me any different."

"But at least you can transfer them and not deal with it anymore."

"Ugh. Dean. You are impossible. What is it gonna take to make you quit feeling so bad about yourself? Huh? You are amazing. I just don't get it."

"Alright. I'm sorry. I just don't have anyone to transfer it to, so I'm stuck with it forever. It's tough."

"I know it's tough. Just stop focusing on the bad, and focus on the good. Please. You have no idea how much it hurts me to see you or my dad this upset."

"Ok. I'll try. I'm sorry I've been beating myself up over all of this. I didn't know it hurt you so much."

"It's ok. Just quit apologizing. I'm here for you and so is my dad."

"Thanks Alex. And please don't tell Sam about any of this. You said he can tell, but..."

"Of course Dean. Is there anything else you want to do?"

"I don't know. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. Go for ice cream or something?

"Sure. Why not?" We headed out of the parking lot and to the ice cream place. It was pretty much silent.

"Oh, Dean, I'm sorry too."


"I pushed you to talk. I push you both to talk way too much and it ends with me and one of you always upset."

"It's fine Alex."

We arrived at the ice cream place. I got a cone with some cookie dough ice cream and Dean got mint chocolate chip. We just sat there and ate. Neither of us really said anything, and we were lost in thought. 'I had no idea Dean thought that poorly of himself.' I said to myself 'I just wish he knew how much we care.' I still had part of my powers so I read his mind. 'Maybe she's right. Maybe I do need to focus on the good and not the bad. I just hope she knows I didn't mean to act like she and Sam weren't enough.'

"I know Dean."


"I still have some of my powers remember. I know you didn't mean to act like we weren't enough. No hard feelings." He just nodded. 'I can't wait until she can't do that anymore' he thought. I just laughed, and he smiled. We just sat there, enjoying our ice cream, when someone came up to the table extremely mad. I looked around. The ice cream place was empty. Completely. No one sitting at the tables or behind the counter. This wasn't good.

"Well would you look at this? Dean Winchester and some stupid, little, girl."

"Leave her alone!" Dean shouted at him

"Oh don't worry, I don't want her. This is between you and me."

"Hey, leave Dean alone!" I shouted at the man.

"Alex-" Dean started. The man grabbed him and shoved him into the wall, knocking some pictures down. He pulled out a knife and shoved it up under his chin.

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