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"Hello!" The kid wavered to the others excitedly. "I'm— hi Im M'gann!" She squealed with excitement from talking to people.

"We needed time for M'gann to get settled and practice shifting into a human child before attempting to leave the apartment." J'onn explained, watching the child weaved around the earthlings, trying to learn all of their names at once.

Barry barely held in an aww. "You guys have fun, we'll be out to check on you in thirty minutes."

"Hey! I'm old enough to-"

"Roy, don't be too loud." Arrow closed the door after them, and started apologizing for his ward's behaviour.

"Hey!" Filled with anger, Roy kicked the door and stormed ofer to the waiting room sofa, throwing himself down. "This is so stupid!" He shouted. "SO UNFAIR! I'm. A. Teenager!" He melted into a being of sometimes silent rage and offense.

"What are we supposed to do?" M'gann asked.

"Nothing." Roy huffed. "Play pretend or something stupid until the grownups are done!"

The children spent about half a minute trying to think of a solution, but found nothing.

"Maybe we can explore!" M'gann said. "I like exploring, but Uncle J'onn made me stay put until I could shape-shift to this!"

"What did you look like before?" Wally asked the green kid.

"More like a martian." She replied.

"King Orin told me to stay right here..." Kaldur said quietly, he wasn't very confident in his english yet.

"We'll come back before Flash brings us food." Artemis said. She was too old for the word 'snack'. "They won't even know!"


"What's that?" The blonde made a grab for the device Kaldur was toying with.


"Calm down! I've held Guns befo— AAAGH!" She dropped the device and stuck her finger in her mouth. "What the hell! It shocked me!"

Kaldur tried to explain, but his words came out indecipherable and shy.

"Guys! lets go!" Wally ran towards the door, quickly losing balance and smacking into the door, starting a nosebleed.

Artemis started laughing, almost biting her finger in the process.

"WHOA! You're so fast!" M'gann exclaimed, floating a few inches off the floor with excitement.

"It's a superpower." Wally said proudly, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. "I'm fast like the flash! That's why he's gonna make me his sidekick!"

"Hey! I'm gonna be a sidekick! Green Arrow has practically agreed to it!" Roy argued. "I even have a name picked out: Speedy!"

"Well I have a name picked out too!" Wally lied.

"Oh yeah? What?"

"...Kid Flsah!"

"Those are both dumb names! Green arrow's teaching me to shoot! When I'm his sidekick, I'll have a way cooler name!" Artemis claimed.

"Yeah, cause that will happen!" Roy scoffed. "He already has me!"

"I'm already a sidekick." Dick proclaimed.

"In training, cause you're tiny!" Roy argued. "You won't be a real sidekick until you're older, like me!"

"I have a name and a mask!" Dick said. "Robin isn't my real name, it's my hero name."

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