"Ooooh yes -Darlin now you're fierce " I rose my eyebrows as I clawed at him.

"Thank you, thank you. now let's take this picture Darlin, my duck lips just can not hold any longer " he flipped his hair as he spoke in a posh accent.

"Alright babes, let's go " I continued with my British accent as I got ready with a pose. I love when he's like this it's the funniest thing. Oh, how I've missed this absolute dork so much.

He leaned over to press the timer, we took one look at each other and nodded. We got back to back and put one of our legs up on the bench, looking at the wall our heads hanging over each other's shoulders. Looking all sassy. We waited for the flash and dramatically turned our heads to the camera this time. Our eyes were looking fiercely at the camera while our lips formed into one of no other than the lips of a duck.

The flash went off and wow do we feel famous right now.

"Okay wait timer wait! Xolo quick -let's take normal pictures now! " I instantly snatched my Wig and glasses. I stood up to grab Xolos wig and scarf. Ugh, the timer better not go off. I bent over Xolo to put the props back. Suddenly I felt myself about to trip Over him while I was trying to reach the sidewall.

"Jules! " Xolo burst out laughing as I felt a pair of hands grab me by my waist and pull me right back onto my seat before I could fall. I instantly felt chills running down my spine as my hands grew weak and dropped the props right on the floor. He's never grabbed or touched me like that.

I could almost feel a blush of embarrassment rise to my cheeks as Xolo continued laughing, just looking at me.

"You're so fucking  short, are you okay ?" he giggled as he searched my eyes.

"Shut up - yes I'm okay " I tried to force a laugh, trying to compose myself on what I just felt. We turned towards the camera and Xolo placed his hand just above my waist, right by where I just got the chills. I felt myself flinch a little when he did that, I'm not trying to feel that again. Jeez, Xolo you need to stop touching me like that altogether. Why must you do this?

I wrapped my arm over his shoulder and we took a normal smiling picture. Next, we put our cheeks together and squished each other faces, the last one was doing some funny faces at the camera.

"That was so fun but I must say my favorite part has to be you almost falling over "Xolo laughed in my face as we stood up.

"Oh really? And my favorite part has to be you playing a girl almost a little too perfectly" I snapped back. And he did not just make me feel that way when he touched me. Thinking back on it, it must because the waist is a sensible/sensitive part of your body right? And he's never grabbed me like that it just must have taken me by surprise. Yeah - that's all.

"I mean I am an actor right ?" he smirked.

"Yeah yeah - let's go get snacks for the movie before we go " I smiled as my attention turned towards the candy stands.

"Ooh Yes - you already know what to get right? I'm gonna get us an Uber " he handed me his money.

"No - you've been paying all day. I have money so let me " I pushed his money away. I mean I hate when people waste their money on me, it just doesn't feel right...

"No - why won't you just let me Pay it's fine, I promise. Now take it c'mon " he held it out again, his eyes giving me a soft reassuring look telling me that it's okay.

"No - You know I hate when people waste their money on me " I rolled my eyes, feeling all guilty.

"Jules - You're not a waste and It's me we are talking about here. you know I don't mind paying, I never did " He softly laughed at my reaction.

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