chapter 16

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Jungkook pov

Next day morning jin had some sightseeing with his college people so we headed back to our room quickly.
I still can't believe what jin said how I got so lucky , he came untouched how  no one hasn't kissed him before well it's good because no one else can have the taste of him only I can . Kissing him feels like heaven , I will never allow him to leave no one else can have him only I can devour him. Thinking of that I should gain his trust  but whatever I said to him was true so I want him to believe me which is not possible after all the things I have done to him. Still I'll do my best.

I decided to tag along with jin for sightseeing , jin was running here and there like a small kid saying how pretty the view was. I chuckled seeing his cuteness " jungkook see the clouds are touching the peak of mountain look how pretty it is" he said pointing the mountain , gosh he will be the death of me. I slowly went and backhugged him resting my head on his shoulder
" yes baby it's so beautiful but not more than you " I said and pecked his cheek , he started blushing I smirked knowing I have some effect on him . Suddenly I heard someone clear their throat , I turned to see who it was huff why I am I not suprised it was taehyung throwing glares at me I just smirked.
" Jinnie come there is a waterfall that side I'll show you "he said , Jinnie seriously why he is calling my husband Jinnie." really ? A waterfall" my baby giggled cutely . " Yes come" he said by dragging jin out of my hold and then running with him." What the hell " before I could process they went to the other side already so I followed them.

When I reached there I was shocked to see the sight before me , that taehyung was holding my Jinnie and splashing water on him , jin was also laughing how can he laugh on other man's hold. Then he started running away from him by shouting " no no taetae don't splash water on me" taetae my foot why he is calling taehyung by nickname he never called me by nickname , he addresses me as brat, asshole ,jerk .

He bumped into me I held him and made him steady he looked at me smiling but  I was in no mood for smiling I am mad actually very mad , seeing us taehyung also stopped running " taehyung if you have already stopped chasing my husband , we need to go to our room now please excuse us " I said in my Stern tone and dragged jin along with me.

" Jungkook stop my trip is not finished I have to go back " jin was yelling. I stopped and looked at him " why so that you will go and flirt with other man , don't you realise your my husband what people will think when you are in other man's hold laughing. I told you I will change and not be a brat but you are making it very difficult. I may have been rude to you before but I'm trying here, what I told you is my sincere feelings . So if you are taking my feelings as a joke and want to break my heart then sure go ahead. Then there is no purpose of trying" I said and left him .

I never felt this way towards anyone else before I hope he understands how special he is to me ..

Worthless(Jinkook)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें