chapter 14

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Jin pov

Since we travelled all morning we don't have anything to do much for college trip for rest of the day there is just one small camp fire in the night.

I'm not tired since I took a long nap in  bus same as me jungkook also seem energized. When we arrived at the hotel my room was originally allocated with four other people  but jungkook didn't seem so much pleased with that idea so he booked a suite room there and asked me , to be more clear ordered me to share it with him.

" Jungkook you agreed not to meddle in my college buisness but you started being your brat self now only literally we just entered the hotel." I yelled at him." Baby I'm not being a brat you also agreed that you will stay with me after your college work, how Will you be with me if you be in the other room moreover there is a high chance that taehyung can be your roommate if I'm not there I'm sure he will grab the chance" he said to me.

" But it's unfair to others they are staying in normal room and we are staying in suite , they ll think of me as a spoiled brat" I pouted. He came and put his hand on my waist" everyone are not fortunate enough to be you baby you just need to accept the fact they ll be jealous regardless " he said in his slow deep voice.  " Okay this is the last time you won't meddle with anything else" I used my strict voice, he Chuckled and nodded .

" Baby today night I have some suprise planned for you so I'll go and make the arrangements you be ready" he whispered in my ear and started walking away" hey wait I have a campfire today ,we can't go" I yelled " we'll go after that baby" he said and went out .

Suprise..... Intersting what would that be ...

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