chapter 5

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Jk pov

I woke up pretty early and saw jimin sleeping peacefully , I didn't want to disturb him so I tip toed took all my clothes and went to my home straight.when I opened the door of my mansion I was surprised to see the sight before me jin was half naked and swimming in my swimming pool . I was briefly taking a clear look at his body he looks so flawless and wow I can say his skin will be as smooth as butter .... I mentally slapped myself when I'm having dirty thoughts about other man when I have jimin. He didn't notice me he was swimming peacefully I went to the edge of the pool and stripped myself he didn't notice yet. I slowly made my way towards him and slid my hand under his waist wow as I said it feels so smooth I could say he was startled by my action but I can't help it gosh he is so tempting. He looks at me we stare at each other eyes I look at his lips he suddenly sniffle me and say bluntly"you smell like cum atleast please wash yourself before touching others some people find it disgusting" I was startled then I remember I didn't clean my self , he escapes from my hold and then gets out of the pool by wrapping a towel around his waist and goes straight to his room without even looking back.

I guess what said is true he is not here to entice me he just wants to be civil and mind our own business but why I feel something is missing like this is good right he is not interested I can be with jimin this is what I wanted right by why I feel little bit hurt.

Jin pov

Seriously this brat I guess he is bipolar he was shouting and telling me I was worthless and then all of a sudden caging and start acting as a pervert . He smelled like sex , i knew he slept with someone it's basically cheating but I don't care i knew this will happen so I'm not surprised.I'm seriously annoyed and tired of him just in one to be civil with this kinda person.

I had my breakfast in peace and went to college he was not in living room I Guess he is in his room.when I entered my college I was welcomed by my best friends hobi and yoongi we are like three musketeers since high school so we even applied to same University. My eyes then land at him kim taehyung my crush 😍 before marriage i guess even still now how can he be so handsome.he approaches me I was getting nervous hobi was calming me down "heard you got married, congratulations" he said in a low tone why do I feel sadness in his voice maybe it's all in my head.

" Oh that's for buisness it's not like proper marriage even I got to know one week before" I smiled awkwardly.
" For buisness? You don't like him" his voice suddenly sounded excited " mm yeah he is asshole who will like him he is a total jerk he even slept with someone else yesterday" seriously me loving jungkook never . " Oh he don't deserve you" he said." Really? You think I'm worthy?" I asked him hopefully..

" You are an angel jin some of us are dying to have you" he pecked my cheek and left I was dumdfounded what was that where did it come I was thinking . Hobi and yoongi squealing by witnessing the scene as finally their ship taejin was sailing..

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