chapter 3

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Jin pov

Mansion was really much bigger than my home , he walks ahead of me and says"you can choose any room you want except the one in right because that's my room " he said and went to his room.I thought he will atleast give a tour again what did I expect . I took stoll around and found a nice room in the upper floor it had a good view and furniture and painting everything was upto my liking so I opted for this room. Moreover it's far away from that Satan's room which is really satisfying.

I unpacked all my clothes , I changed to a long oversized t shirt and  shorts and went to kitchen to prepare dinner . Seriously he is one of the biggest CEO and he doesn't have any maid it's weird. I was thinking whether to prepare dinner for him also I debated with myself and decided to prepare since I'm living under his roof.

I prepared kimchi fried rice and I was damn hungry so I started without waiting for him , he came out of his room he wore a sleeveless t shirt n shorts damn he looks so fine ... Stop seokjin he is a jerk you remember so I stopped thinking about him. "I prepared kimchi fried rice for dinner if you want you can eat" I said in a calm tone.

He glared at me and said"did I ask you to prepare mind your own business I know how to feed myself stop pretending your act for enticing me because it won't work I already have someone did I make it clear"I was like wtf seriously he has some issues ."I prepared because I'm a human and since we are living together it's basic humanity to prepare for other person too, and I'm not seducing you I have high standards " I again added"I don't care if you are interested in other person because you are free to do so I don't give two shits okay , if we are done I have college tomorrow so good night".he looked slightly taken aback but I don't mind he is a serious asshole so I went to my room and locked it for safety purpose. I layed flat in my bed unknowingly tears escaped from my eyes, I miss my home , my bed everything.

Next morning I woke up and I was surprised to see he was also awake I didn't greet him neither did he. I went over to fridge and took a glass of orange juice and started drinking , I glanced at him he was eating toast n jam . I prepared scrambled eggs and roasted sausage for my break fast and started to eat without looking at him but in my peripheral vision I could sense him staring at my plate. I chuckled if he wants all he needs to do is ask I thought myself.

I then went to my room and got ready for my college , when I came downstairs he was again sitting there I couldn't care less I was about to head out he spoke suddenly"where are you going" he asked in a stern voice.I said "you have amnesia I guess I told you yesterday I have college Tomorrow remember"he had a blank face.

"And did I allow you" he asked slow stern voice I don't know why it's scary.

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