"W--we were talking about" I shuttered not wanting to tell what we were talking about. All of them were looking at me with their eyes zero.

Why are they even interested in our talk?

"We were just talking about how it will be fun once Sage joins us in our team. It will be too much fun for us to work together. I'm personally waiting to work with him" Willam said in his little happy voice while circling his hand around my shoulder and pulling me towards him. I looked at him with wide eyes as he smoothly changed the topic. I tried to get out of this hold by shrugging my shoulders but he made his hold strong on me, not letting me out of his hold. With a pinched smile, I looked at everyone before my actions looked suspicious.

"Yeah it will be," said James with a genuine smile on his face as he continued eating his food, and chef Oliver nod yes in response in the same way. At least someone will be happy if I start working in the kitchen. I returned their smiles. But as I moved my face, my eyes met with grey eyes and a smile wiped out of my face. From his face, it was clear he didn't like the idea of me working in the kitchen.

"Y--yes we were talking about it. It will be so much f--fun for me to work with you guys than doing my current work" I said in my nervous voice while shuttering a bit.

"See," William said, like confirming our talk topic. Listening to my works, grey-eyed monsters' jaws become thick. Looking at his hard face even my nervous smile vanished away.

Oh God, what did I do now?

He wiped his mouth while looking straight into my eyes and stood up signaling me to follow him. I was not even finishing my food. I looked at my half-eaten food and then at him. I was still not full. If you don't follow him he will never let me eat lunch in my life. He will even take out the lunch system from my life.

"I have to go now. I will see you guys next time," I said with a small smile. They nodded in understanding only William smirked at me as if he was seeing something like a lunatic. I ignored him and started running behind him. As I was running behind him he suddenly turned after we were out of the cafeteria making me clash with his hard chest.

"Aww" I winced in pain while rubbing my forehead.

Is he wearing metal armor inside?

"So you are not happy with your current work," he said with a malicious look in his eyes. His words made me want to bang my head on an invisible brick. From his face, I knew he didn't like what I said. But I wanted to scream that I want to work in the kitchen but he would give me an attitude and I was already facing enough of it.

"Sir--" I tried to reason but before I could give him my reason he turned while making me look at his back.

"I'm not interested in your answer. I know what I should know," he said in his emotionless voice and started walking. Leaving me dumbfounded. If he didn't want to know my answer then why the hell he asked me a question in the first place. Moving my head in irritation, I continued to follow him.

He assigned me a lot of work when we reached his office. He made me run all day without leaving a single moment to rest. He was taking his revenge for me keying his car and I knew it from the smirk plastered on his face. I was so exhausted when I reached home. I slumped on the bed and directly opened my eyes when I heard my alarm ringing in the morning.

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