chapter twenty

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spencer's pov

I woke up and Dally was no longer next to me. I got up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and went to the kitchen. Nobody was in there except Johnny. "Hey Johnny, where is everyone?" I asked. "I dunno man everyone was gone when I got here," he replied. I sat down next to him at the table and took a piece of bacon off his plate.

"Hey hey hey," he said. "Fine," I said and took a bite then set it back down. "So how are things with you and Dal? feel like I never talk to you alone anymore," he asked. "I'm sorry 'bout that Johnnycakes, Dal and I are good though we have a few fights here and there but we're going steady right now," I replied. "That's okay Spence, glad things are going good," he said.

"Thanks," I smiled. "So what should we do until they come back?" I asked. "Cards?" he asked and I agreed. While we were in the middle of the game I noticed how often Johnny had been sneezing and was paler than usual. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "If I tell you, you can't tell anyone, savvy?" he said. "Savvy," I replied. "I've been sleepin' in the lot every night this week," He sighed. "Jonathon Andrew Cade!" I said. "What?!" he asked.

"You're sleeping on our couch however long you need got it?! Better yet I'll take the couch you take my bed!" I said. "No no no! I cant do that to y'all you guys already have limited space," He replied. "I don't care you're staying here no matter what you say," I said. "Thanks Spence, it really means a lot," he said. "Johnny you're family you shouldn't even be afraid to show up and tell us 'I'm sleeping here whether you like it or not'," I replied and he laughed.

I hugged him then went and got a sweatshirt of Soda's so he could warm up. We decided to watch a show and at about 1 in the afternoon the others got back. "Where have y'all been?" I asked. "Walkin around town," Dally said sitting down next to me. "Didn't care to tell Johnny and I?" I asked. "Didn't think it was a big deal," Steve said.

"Is that my sweatshirt?" Soda asked Johnny. "Not anymore," I said. Soda gave me a confused look. "Let him keep it, don't ask questions," I said and he just nodded and sat next yo Johnny. "Hey Spence can I talk to you outside?" Ponyboy asked. "Sure Pone," I said and walked outside with him sitting down in the steps. "What's up?" I asked. "I felt guilty if I didn't tell ya," He started. "Tell me what?" I asked. "Dal was gettin' real comfortable with some broad at dingos," He whispered.

"What?" I asked angrily. "I'm sorry Spence I just thought you outta know," He replied. "It's not your fault, thanks for tellin' me Pone," I said snd stomped inside. "Dallas Tucker Winston!" I yelled. "Uh oh," Two-Bit and Soda said together. "What?" Dally asked. "Get your ass outside now!" I yelled and he just walked outside as if he didn't know what this was about.

"What the hell does it mean by ' Dal was gettin' real comfortable with some broad at dingos'? cause I definitely didn't wanna hear that today!" I said angrily. "Thanks a lot Ponyboy!" Dally yelled inside. "He had every right to tell me!" I said. "Look nothing happened she just asked for a kiss on the cheek," he said. "Do I need to go ask the others for the real story?" I asked. "Okay fine, she was sittin' on my lap and I kissed her cheek," He said emphasizing I. I felt my anger melt into sadness.

"Did she sit on your lap or did you ask her too?" I asked my eyes blurring with tears. "She sat on me," He replied. "And you didn't stop her?" I asked. "No," he said as if he didn't care. "What the hell Dal?" I asked shoving him. "What?!" he asked angrily. "You just think that's okay?!" I yelled my anger coming back. "Well I didn't make out with her did I?" he asked. "I wouldn't be surprised if you had!" I yelled back.

"What the hell does that mean Spencer?" He yelled. "It means you go around screwing every girl you see!" I said shoving him again so he was now against the wall. "That was before you!" he yelled. "How do I know you didn't stop?!" I asked. "If you trusted me you would know I did!" He replied. "How the hell am
I supposed to trust you when you let random girls sit on your lap?" I asked. "She just sat on me it's not that big of a deal Spencer," He said rolling his eyes.

"Of course it isn't, I get that you don't think it's a big deal, and it probably isn't but that doesn't mean it won't hurt!" I said and went to walk away but he grabbed my wrist. "You walk away I'm done, I can't deal with all of your god damn mood swings," He said. "Well then fine! if you're so annoyed with me then leave Dallas! It seems I'm the only one putting in any effort anymore!" I yelled snatching my wrist away from his grasp and walking inside.

dally's pov

After she walked inside I'd realized what I'd done. I just broke up with the girl I love. I very stupidly punched the brick pillar and walked to Bucks.

(word count: 938)

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