chapter fourteen

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spencer's pov

"Dallas Tucker Winston get your ass out of the bathroom!" I yelled. "No!" He yelled. "Why not?" I yelled back. "You ruined my hair man!" He yelled. "I didn't touch your hair!" I yelled. "Why is it pink then?" He asked and I turned around and looked at Two-Bit and Steve who were staring at my scared. I mouthed "you did this?" And they nodded.

I turned back to the bathroom door and leaned on it. "We can dye it back i'll get some hair dye just come out please," I said and the door opened causing me to fall to the floor. He helped me up and I laughed at his hair and he rolled his eyes. "Sorry," I said and he just shook his head. "Put a shirt on and we'll go to the store ok?" I said and pecked his lips.

He put a hand on my cheek and looked at it sympathetically. "Your black eye still hasn't healed?" He asked. "No, but it will let's go," I said clapping my hands. "Chop chop we don't have all day," I exclaimed. He cocked an eyebrow and put his shirt on then we walked out to head to the store.

one week ago

I got home from my fight with Bellamy and fell to the ground once I got inside. "Spencer!" Several different voices shouted. "I'm fine i'm fine," I said sitting up. We both beat each other up really good. "I told you not to beat her up you stubborn little-," "Not the time Dallas," Darry interrupted and Dally pulled me up into his arms.

"Never again you hear me?" Dally scolded me and I nodded as he kissed my head.

present day

We walked into the store and I dragged Dally down the isle with hair dye and grabbed the shade that matched the rest of his head. "You sure I'm not gonna lose my hair?" Dally asked as I applied it to his hair once we got home. "Yes Dal," I said. After I finished I told him to wait 30 minutes to rinse it out and he just complained. "Complaining isn't gonna change anything Dallas just shut your trap," I said and he did.

"What happened to him?" Ponyboy asked once he and Johnny got home from school. "He thinks I dyed his hair pink but i'm just taking the blame for Steve and Two-Bit," I whispered and they laughed. "Hey Dal," Johnny said. "Don't look at me!" Dally said. "Calm down you big baby," I replied. "Sorry Johnny," Dally said and I laughed. "That's alright man," Johnny said and sat down.

After 30 minutes exactly Dally dragged me into the bathroom. "Rinse it out," He said. "What's the magic word?" I asked. "Please," He said. "The magic word was peanuts, but please works too," I said and he rolled his eyes so I scrunched my nose and he smiled. I finished rinsing his hair and dried it and he was finally satisfied.

"You're lucky I can deal with you're temper," I joked. "I don't have a temper!" He defended himself angrily. I cocked an eyebrow. "Oh," He said and Me Johnny and Ponyboy laughed. Once everyone got home I made Dally help me make dinner to see if he could cook. He couldn't, but he tried his best. He burnt a couple of meatballs but they tasted pretty good considering.

"This isn't half bad Dal," Two-Bit said. "It's really good, thanks Texas," I said and he gave a proud smile and I smiled back. He is actually the cutest. How do people find him intimidating? "Because he is intimidating," Sodapop said. "How do I keep saying things out loud?" I said and everyone laughed.

"Y'all wanna watch a movie?" Darry asked. "Yeah," and "Sure," went around the room and we ended up watching some action movie. I was laying with Dally in his arms. He held me like he never wanted to let go. I didn't want him too either. After we were half way through the movie there was a knock on the door. Soda answered it and Blake walked in holding a dirtied up Quinn.

We all got up and she set her on the couch. We cleaned her up and waited for her to wake up to tell us what happened. Soda held Blake in his arms and Pony sat with Quinn in his lap. "Where'd you find her?" I asked Blake. "Near soc territory," Blake replied. I looked at Dally and we were thinking the same thing. I nodded at him and he ran out the door.

"Where is he going?" Blake asked. "To take care of someone," I replied and everyone just stared at me like I was crazy. "Not kill anyone!" I said realizing. They all sighed in relief and we continued waiting for Quinn to wake up.

(word count: 819)

my favorite mistake~ dallas winstonWhere stories live. Discover now