chapter three

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spencer's pov

"Do you think it's that easy?" I asked as Dally and I walked to get Pony and Johnny from school. "Yes," Dally replied. "I'm not just gonna go out with someone because they say I'm hot," I replied. "Oh come on he's a nice guy," He said. "I have my eyes on someone else you can tell your friend I'm not interested," I said.

"Who do you have your eyes on then?" he asked. you. "None of your business," I said. "Fine," He said giving up and we leaned against the railing waiting for Ponyboy and Johnny. I shivered as the wind started blowing. "You cold?" Dally asked. "A little," I replied. He took off his jacket, his favorite leather jacket, and put it on me then hugged me in effort to warm me up.

The second he touched me I was warm. Ponyboy and Johnny walked up to us and Pony gave me a cheeky smile referring to Dally and I just stuck my tongue out at him. "How was school you two?" I asked. "You sound like their mother," Dally interrupted. "Well what did you want me to say? hey school still suck?" I asked. "Yeah, it does," Johnny said.

"I like school," Pony said. I put my arm on his shoulder. "Of course ya do Pone," I said. We were about to start walking home when I heard people cheering at something. I turned and saw people making out, I gagged, then realized it was Sandy and Bob Sheldon. "Pony you still got that camera?" I asked and he grabbed it from his backpack and handed it to me.

I very obviously took a picture of them and Sandy looked over and I took off running to the dx. Once I got their I stormed in and jumped on Sodas back and showed him the picture right as Sandy walked in. "I TOLD YOU SHE WAS CHEATING!" I yelled and he took the camera from me. "I can't believe you Sandy!" Soda said. "Ugh that's probably fake she just wants you for herself," Sandy said. "I am his TWIN!" I yelled.

"whatever," She said. "Sandy we're done please leave," Soda said and she clicked her tongue and left. "Sorry I had to tell you that way," I said. "It's okay, got my eye on another girl anyway, she's a real tough broad who just moved in with her little sister," He said and I smirked. He returned the favor and touched Dally's jacket that I was still wearing. "I was cold," I said and he just shook his head. "I'm your twin, I can tell when you like someone Spence," He replied and I shook my head.

The other three boys walked into the dx and looked at me who was now chugging a water. "I never ran so much in my life," I said and they all laughed. Steve walked in from the back said their was a girl named Blake looking for Soda then she walked in behind him. "Hey Sodapop," She said and I cocked an eyebrow and shoved him towards her making him almost fall.

"I'm Blake," she said holding her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Spencer, Sodas twin," I replied taking her hand. "Nice to meet ya," I said. "You too," She said.  "She's a hot broad," Dally said and my face went red with anger. Or jealousy? I don't know. "Shut up Dal," I said and shoved him. "Are you that Dallas Winston everybody tells me to stay away from?" Blake asked.

"That would be me," Dally smirked. "He ain't gonna hurt ya, he listens to me," I said. "No I don't," He said. "Yes you do," Me, Soda, Steve, Pony, and Johnny all said. "Shut up," Dally said, his cheeks red. Was Dallas Winston blushing or mad? "Well good I hope I don't gotta leave," Blake said and I smiled. "I could use some more friends that are girls," I said. "Hey what about Evie?" Steve asked. "Eve's my only friend outside the gang," I replied and he shrugged.

"Anyway, Soda I can cover the rest of your shift if you'd like," I said. "Best sister ever!" Soda said and kissed my head. "Don't have too much fun!" I said  as Soda held out his hand. Suddenly I was being throw over Dallys shoulder. "Dallas put me
down!" I yelled hitting his back. "No can do duckie," He said. "You guys are the cutest couple!" Blake said.   Dally turned and we both looked at her. "Oh uh we aren't a couple," I laughed nervously.

"Oh! my mistake just thought you were," She said. "That's alright it happens," I said and Dally started spinning me around. "DALLY!" I yelled as he almost dropped me and he just laughed. Some people walked in and Dally set me down immediately, they were socs. Soda left with Blake before they saw her so they targeted me. "That's the same guy who tried to jump us the other day," I whispered to the other boys.

Dally, again, moved me behind him. He moved Johnny next to me and Steve and Ponyboy went in front of us as well. "I can protect myself," I whispered. "Shh," Dally said. There were 4 people this time. "We would like that pretty broad for 100 please," One I recognized as Randy said. "Not for sale," Dally said cracking his neck. "I wasn't asking," Randy replied and started a fight. Dally Steve and Pony were mostly winning until Randy got free and came over and punched me right in the face.

I got so pissed off I punched him right back and he fell to the ground. They all ran like little girls. "You okay doll?" Dally asked. "Yeah are you?" I asked wiping the blood off his lip. He grabbed my hand away from his face and I blushed. "Sorry," I whispered. "I'm just glad you're okay, nice punch by the way," He said and hugged me.

Dallas Winston is going soft on me isn't he? Steve cleared his throat and I hugged him too. Then Ponyboy who had a few cuts I'd need to clean up. "Go take him home I'll cover Soda," Steve said. "Thanks Stevie," I said. We walked home and I got peroxide and a wet rag. I wiped off the cut on Pony's eyebrow and he winced. "Sorry Pone," I said. I finished cleaning all the cuts and he thanked me.

"Johnny none of them touched you right?" I asked and he nodded. "Good," I said and sat next to Pony. "I gotta go see you guys later," Dally said and walked out. I realized he left without his jacket that I still had on. I snuggled into it and Johnny sat on the other side of me. "You like him don't you?" Johnny said.  "What? no," I said. "Liar you told me you do a couple weeks ago," Pony said.

"Pony!" I said. "Oops," He said and I just laughed. "Don't. Tell. Soda. Or. Darry." I said and they both nodded. "Don't tell us what?" Darrys voice said and I looked to see Soda Darry Blake and another girl. "Oh uh just that I forgot to... do the dishes so Pony did them for me," I said seeing the empty sink. "Oh that's not a big deal," Darry said and I sighed in relief.

"This is my little sister, Quinn she's 14," Blake said. I nudged Ponyboy and he blushed. "This is Ponyboy he's also 14," I said to Quinn. "Nice to meet you," They both said and I smiled. My kid brother might get his first girlfriend. "You guys look a lot alike," I said to Blake and Quinn. They both had light brown straight hair, and a light shade of blue/green eyes.

"We get that a lot," Blake said and I smiled. "You
and Soda are twins right?" She asked and Soda and I nodded. "You guys look a lot alike even with the different genders," She said. "Yeah I'd like to say I'm the better looking twin but most girls would disagree," I said and she and Soda both laughed.

After awhile we ate dinner once Steve and Two-Bit showed up and Dally called saying he wasn't gonna make it to dinner. I hoped he was ok. I fell asleep that night with the smell of him on me from wearing his jacket all day and was comforted by it all night.

(word count: 1,433)

sorry this chapter was kind of long haha, I hope you like it!

my favorite mistake~ dallas winstonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora