chapter five

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sodapop's pov

"You know we aren't gonna be able to stop her now," I said after she slammed her door. "I know, we just pissed her off," Darry said. "Just let her be happy," Ponyboy said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "If she and Dally ever end up dating then let her, if she gets hurt we'll be here to help her through it," He said.

"You're right Pone, I should go apologize," I said. "She's probably asleep," Darry said. "I know for a fact that she isn't," I said. "How?" He asked. "I'm her twin I just know," I shrugged and walked to her room. I knocked and heard a faint "come in" so I did. "Hey," I said and sat on the chair to her desk. "Hi," she said while she drew on her notepad.

"Look, I'm sorry we said you couldn't be with him, if he ever asks you out you have our permission and if he hurts you we will be here to kick his ass okay?" I said and she laughed. "Thanks Soda," She said. "What are twins for?" I asked and hugged her. "Goodnight pepsi-cola," She said. "Goodnight Duckie," I said and she rolled her eyes as I walked out.

spencer's pov
next morning

I woke up and saw all three of my brothers standing over me. My eyes went wide. "Why the hell are you all in here? it's creepy," I said and they moved back a little. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. "One of you gonna tell me why you're all in here?" I asked. "We just wanted to warn you," Darry said. About?" I asked. "Well, Dal sorta," Ponyboy started. "Got back together with Sylvia," Soda finished.

"Oh, okay it's fine I knew he didn't like me anyway," I shrugged trying not to show them I care. "You okay?" Soda asked after Darry and Ponyboy walked out. "You already know the answer," I replied standing up. "I'm sorry duckie," He said. "It's okay pepsi I'm gonna live," I said and he smiled at me and walked out.

I got on a overall dress with a white shirt underneath and a flannel over it. I went to my bathroom and straightened my hair, then brushed my teeth. I walked back into the family room and Dally was sitting there Sylvia on his lap. I just stared at them til Soda pat my back. I looked at him and he smiled, I smiled back and put some of the eggs on a plate with cake, weirdest combination ever.

I sat in Darrys chair and my brothers, Steve, and Johnny all left. "So Spencer how are you?" Sylvia asked and I sighed. " Uhm fine but I'm kinda trying to eat," I said and Dally smirked at me making me roll my eyes. I continued eating and watched mickey with Two-Bit. "Hey we're gonna go get some shakes wanna go?" Dally asked me and Two-Bit. "No," I said. "Well if she's not going In not gonna third wheel," Two said.

"Suit yourself," He said and they walked out. "What's got a stick up your ass?" Two-Bit asked. "None of your business," I said. "Oh come on tell me," He said. "No," I said. "Pleaseeeee," He said. "Gosh fine, I don't like Sylvia," I said. "Why? seems nice enough," He replied. "Because, she cheated on Dal before and well....I kinda like him," I admitted quietly. Two-Bits eyes went wide and was staring at something behind me.

I turned around and Dally was standing right there. "Forgot my lighter..." Dally said. My eyes widened and I could've sworn they could fall out. "Shit," I said and ran out of the house and down the street. I saw Darry on a roof carrying two stacks. "One stack Darrel!" I yelled as I was running and he set one down. I ran to the dx and snatched the water out of Steve's hand and drank all of it.

"Hey!" Steve said. "Where... is... my... brother," I said in-between breaths. "Right here," Soda said. "I have a BIG problem," I said. "What is it?" He asked when Dally walked in. "That's the problem," I said pointing at him. "What did he do something?" Soda asked worried. "No, I'm just a little bit of a dumb ass," I replied. "Come here Spence I wanna talk," Dally said.

"I'm gonna pass," I said. "Spence come on," He said. "I'm not gonna talk to you just to get rejected," I said. "Woah woah woah, what?" Steve said and I ignored him while Dally threw me over his shoulder and took me outside. "I'm not actually dating Sylvia okay?" He said as he set me down. "What?" I asked. "I'm not actually dating her I don't like her," He said.

"Why are you pretending to date her then?"
I asked angrily. "Because I wanted to piss you off!"
He said also angry. "Why the hell did you want to piss me off?" I yelled. "Because I wanted to know if you liked me too!" He yelled. "Well obviously I- wait too?" I asked. "Shit," He said and the next thing I knew were his lips were on mine.

(word count: 881)

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