chapter eighteen

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dally's pov

"If I see those kids around here again my heads gonna blow," I said after chasing 3 kids away from Bucks. "They seem sweet you don't gotta be so rude to 'em," Spencer said. "I don't like little kids," I replied. "I know," She sighed. We walked into a bucks and sat down to get drinks. I got a beer, she got coke.

"I gotta use the bathroom man," I said getting up and walking away. I heard faint voices of Spencer whispering to Buck about something but couldn't make out what it was. I used the bathroom and went back down slowly and quietly. "I just don't know how we can have a future together if we want different things, he hates kids, but I want them," Spencer said and guilt swarmed my mind.

"Maybe you could compromise with a puppy," Buck suggested. "Oh believe me I'm gonna be getting a puppy, but I just, I love him and really want this to last but we just want our individual things and we're  both so stubborn I don't think compromise will
work," She said. I walked back out and sat down like nothing happened.

"Everything okay in there?" she giggled. God that giggle could light up worlds. "Yeah just forgot what I was doing for a second," I lied and smiled at her. She furrowed her eyebrows and turned back to Buck. "We we're just talking about how I want a dog," She lied. Oh shit, she thinks she has to lie about it now.

"What kind?" I asked. "I want a german shepherd or a husky," She replied. "Husky's are unique," Buck said. "They are very pretty," I said. "Did you just use the word pretty?" Buck asked and Spencer laughed. "She's changing me man," I said and Buck just raised an eyebrow. "Should we got to the lot?" I asked. "Sure," She nodded.

spencer's pov

"Sure," I said. We got up to leave and I looked back at Buck, he gave me a knowing look, I nodded and interlocked my fingers with Dallas's. "Hey Duckie I uh, I heard what you and Buck were talking about," He said and my eyes went wide. "Uhm it's not a big deal," I said. "I know you want kids," He said. "I don't wanna hold you back from doing that," He went on.

"Dal we don't have to talk about it now, we don't know what could happen in the future, maybe I'll end up hating kids," I said sighing. "That's unlikely," He said. I shrugged and we kept walking to the lot. When we got there I saw my brother and Blake and covered Dallys eyes. They were only making out, but Soda was shirtless.  "WHY OUTSIDE?" I yelled and they looked over. Dally moved my hand and started laughing.

"We'll go to the park," Dally said smirking at Soda. "Go inside somewhere!" I yelled back to them. "AND USE PROTECTION," I yelled and Dally threw me over his shoulder. We got on the swings and I made him hold my hand although there were adults there with their kids. As we were swinging a little kid came over with her baby sister. "Hi! could we use the swings?" she asked with a smile. "Of course! would you like a little push?" I asked and she nodded.

"Here I'll hold your sister and he can push you," I said and she handed me her sister. Dally gave me a glare as the little girl sat on my swing. He pushed her lightly as the baby played with my hands. "Whats your name kiddo?" I asked the girl. "I'm Ava and my sister is Luna!" She said. "Hi Luna," I said tickling the baby's stomach. She laughed and I smiled. "Can you give me an underdog?!" Ava asked Daly excitedly. "Sure thing kiddo," Dally said.

"Okay ready?!" Dally asked. "Yeah!" Ava said. Dally ran under her swing and Ava laughed so hard she had to have Dally help her off the swing. A lady who
looked in about her 30's walked over. "Ava how many times do I have to tell you don't talk to strangers," She said. "Oh don't worry we were just helping her on the swing," I smiled and she took Luna from me.

"Well thank you for helping them that was awfully kind of you," She said smiling at me then gave Dally a scared look and ran off with her kids. "You're good with kids," Dally said as we started walking home. "So are you," I said hopefully. "Well that kid was cute," He said. "A lot of kids are cute," I said. "If they looked like you they definitely would be," He said. "What are you saying?" I asked. He shrugged.

4 days later

"Dally I'm just saying, you never know if you don't give it a chance!" I yelled. "I told you I don't like kids Spencer!" He yelled back. "You seemed to like Ava the other day!" I yelled back. "That's different!" he yelled. "how?!" I asked throwing a pillow at him. "Because she was cute! most of them piss me off!" he said. "Well right now you're pissing me off!" I yelled. He sighed and sat down. "Dal i'm just saying, a lot of people don't like kids until they have their own,"

"Got any examples?" He asked. "My dad didn't want kids," I said. "Really?" He asked and I nodded. "My mom made him babysit for these two little boys once and he fell in love with the idea of having his own, but before that he hated them," I said. "I don't know, maybe we should babysit and see what happens," He said. "I think that's a good idea you two will finally stop yelling," Darry said walking in.

"Sorry Dar," We said in unison. "It's alright, I'm gonna watch a show though so get out," He said and I laughed. "Okay then," I said and we went in my room. "I'm sorry for getting angry I just wanna be on the same page as you because I love you," I said as we laid down. "It's okay, I'm sorry too," He said. "I forgive you," I said and kissed him.

(word count: 1,048)

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