chapter six

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spencer's pov

It's been three days since Dally kissed me. Three days without anyone talking about it. Three days without talking to him. I don't know why we won't talk to each other I guess we're just scared. Well, I am. He's not scared of anything.

"Spencer if you don't get up I will come in there and drag you out!" Darry yelled. "I don't care!" I yelled back. I got dressed and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and poured chocolate mil then sat next to Soda at the table. "You sleep at all?" Soda said pointing to my eye bags.

"Well thanks Soda I'll have you know I am running on 1 hour of sleep right now so I might just punch you in the nose if you say the wrong thing," I said. He put his hands up and dropped it. I cut a piece of cake and put it on a plate and started to eat when the rest of the gang walked in.

"Jeez Spence do you sleep anymore?" Steve asked. "Is everyone gonna ask that now?" I asked. "Sorry," He said. "Spence can we talk?" Dally asked putting a hand on my shoulder. All the other guys looked at us when he said that. "Yeah," I said and gave the others warning looks.

We went onto the porch and sat on the steps. The cool morning breeze blowing through our hair. "So you wanna talk let's talk," I said.

flashback to the kiss

The next thing I knew his lips were on mine. I kissed back without hesitation. After we realized it'd been a minute or two we pulled apart. "I'm sorry Spencer I don't know what's happening to me, it's like you're a forbidden fruit and that makes me want you," He said. "Why am I a forbidden fruit?" I asked. "Darry told me to stay away from you," He said and walked away.

back to present

"You need to talk to Darry again," He said. "Why? He told me one thing and did another," I said. "He was just trying to protect you, you're his only sister," He replied. "I don't need to be protected from my best friend," I said and stood up but he grabbed my hand. I didn't realize how tense I was until he touched me.

I sat back down and laid my head on his shoulder. "maybe we should just, stay friends for now and on the near future if we still feel this way we can go back to this conversation," I said. "We can try that, but I don't know now that I've kissed you it might be harder to stay away," He said.

"I don't know what else to say, start dating? you hate relationships. friends with benefits? Darry and Soda would murder us both, We just don't have many options," I said. "I know," He sighed. "Tell me this honestly," He said and turned my head so we were looking into each other's eyes. "When you look at me, do you think we can truly be just friends?" He asked.

"Honestly? no," I said. "Then why would we try to be?" He asked. "I don't know I just don't wanna rush things and end up getting hurt," I said. He just nodded. "Yeah, Maybe I'll break your heart," He said smirking. "Maybe I'll break yours," I replied the same way. "Hopefully neither of us are stupid enough to do so," He said. "Did you just use good grammar?" I asked. "I don't know man did I?" He asked and I laughed.

"We could be friends that act like a couple sometimes," He suggested. "Like, hold hands or whatever you think couples do," He added and I just smiled. "I guess that works," I shrugged. I do wish it wasn't so complicated sometimes. I should blame myself I made it complicated. "Sorry," I said. "For what doll?" he asked. "I just, ever since my parents it's hard for me to commit," I admitted.

"Don't apologize for that," He said and hugged me. "Did I just witness Dallas Winston hugging someone?" A voice said. We looked in front of us and saw Evie. "You tell anyone I'll skin you, whether you're a girl or not," Dally said. "Well I'm pretty sure she is," I said and he just rolled his eyes. "Hey Eve, Steve's inside," I said. "Thanks Sj," She said and went into the house.

"I forgot about that nickname," Dally said. "Me too to be completely honest, the last person to call me that dad," I said. "I keep darkening the mood let's just go inside," I said nervously laughing and he nodded. We went inside and I sat on the couch in-between Pony and Soda. "Hey Eve we should have a girls day with Blake and Quinn Castell," I said. "Oh yeah the girl Soda's crushin' on?" She asked and I nodded. "Pony's crushin'on Quinn," I said and Pony shoved me off the couch.

"Just sayin' Pone," I said and sat back next to him. "It's cute Ponyboy you could have your first girlfriend," Evie said. "New topic," Pony said. "Soda how're things with Blake goin?" I asked. "They're goin'," He said. "Meaning?" Steve asked. "Meaning, I really like her," He said. "Aw all my brothers are gonna leave me for girls," I said. "You have me," Darry said. "Nice try Dar I know you've been seein' that girl Alice that works with ya," I said.

"You caught me," He said. "Hey you can't say they're leaving ya when you're leaving them with Dal," Steve said and Evie whacked his arm. "It's... complicated man," Dally said and everyone was now quiet. "It is but anyway uhm so Blake and Quinn should come over," I said. "I'll go call," Soda said. Darry had to leave for work once the other two girls got here so we all hungout for the rest of the day.

hey y'all! you might be mad at me bc i'm boy putting them together yet but there will be reasons for that you'll just have to wait and see what those reasons are. Dally has had a hard life and Spencer has too so just be patient with me. stay gold!

(word count: 1,050)

my favorite mistake~ dallas winstonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang