chapter two

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spencer's pov


"mom don't you think this is a little, well dangerous?" I asked. "Your father would never do anything dangerous," She replied and I nodded. "Maybe I'll just watch from the blanket," I said. "Whatever makes you feel safest," Dad said. I smiled as they both kissed my head.

The next thing I knew I was running to the house with a shard of glass in my cheek after my parents car has been hit by a train with them in it. "Call 911!" I yelled into the house as I ran in. Darry ran to the phone and Soda ran to me. I pulled the glass out of my cheek and put pressure. "Mom and dad just got hit by the train in the car," I said and they followed me back to them. It was too late. They were gone.

end flashback

I walked inside the house with Johnny and saw Darry making dinner and the others all entertaining themselves. I went into the bathroom and brushed my fingers over my scar. "That scar sure does make you look tuff," Ponyboy said when I walked back out."Yeah I guess it does," I said. "I want a scar like that," Steve said. "Under the circumstances me and Johnny got ours I don't think you do,"
I replied.

"Dinner!" Darry yelled. We all went into the kitchen and I sat in-between Soda and Johnny. We all made small talk while we ate when Dally stormed in his nose bleeding and a bruise forming on his cheek. I stood up and walked over to him. "What happened?" I asked wiping the blood off of under his nose. "I hate socs," He said. "I know you do," I said and made him sit down.

Nobody gets in my way when it comes to making sure the people I care about are okay. I grabbed an ice pack and he put it on his cheek as I held a tissue to his nose as the bleeding slowed. "What'd you do this time?" I asked. "Well I saw a greaser girl getting jumped, usually I wouldn't have cared but it was Evie so I ran over, she got away without a scratch but they all ganged up on me," He said.

I saw Steve run to the phone in my peripheral vision. "I assume you got them all pretty good?" I asked and he nodded and pushed my hand away from his nose I tried to put it back but he grabbed my hand. "I'm fine Spence," He said. I scrunched my nose and nodded. He tried not to smile but he always does when I scrunch my nose.

I walked back to the kitchen after throwing away the tissue and Soda was staring at me with a weird look. "What?" I asked. "Do you like him?" He whispered. "What? no!" I exclaimed. "Good, he's our friend but he's not the greatest boyfriend Spence," He said. I just nodded and stabbed my watermelon angrily.

That night, Evie came over because Steve wanted to make sure she was ok. "I don't know why you helped
me Dally but thank you," Evie said. He just nodded at her. "I think I'll go for a walk," I said standing up and putting on my flannel. "Be safe," Darry said. "take your switch," Soda said. I nodded and walked out the door. As I was passing dingos I heard someone yell my name and turned to see Dally.

"What's up?" I asked. "Didn't want you to get jumped or something," He said and I smirked. "You don't care about me do you?" I said poking his side. "What? no of course not....yes I do," He said and whispered the last part. I smiled. "Ol' softy," I said. "I am not soft," He said. I just winked.

We continued walking in silence down the road. Dally was looking down at his feet kicking rocks as we walked. I couldn't help but admire him. His high cheek bones, deep blue eyes, dark brown hair. He looked up at me and we locked eyes. He cocked in eyebrow and smiled then looked back down.

I saw a mustang slow down next to us and get out and walk over to us. I nudged Dally and he looked up and they stopped walking. "What do you guys want?" Dally snapped. "That pretty little broad there," One of them said. "No way in hell," Dally and I said in unison. "Do you like know who he is or are you new to town?" I asked.

"Visiting my cousin," The guy said. "I suggest running for your lives, before he kills you," I said and he just walked closer but Dally moved me behind him. The guy walked closer not intimidated and Dally threw a punch. They ran before he even needed to beat them up.

"Well that was easy," I said. "Thank you," I said. "I'll always protect you, whether it's necessary or not," He said. I blushed and looked down. We went back home and explained what happened to everyone. "Glad you're okay," Soda said and hugged me. "Thanks to Dal," I said and he winked at me.

"I think I'm gonna head to bed," I said standing up. "Goodnight," Most said. "Night duckie," Dally said and I stuck my tongue out at him. "The names catching on!" Soda yelled. I flipped him off and closed my door then climbed into my bed.

(word count: 919)

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