Berta's loud mouth may be quick as a gun but the way she treated customers, she was calm like a meek lamb. "Here's your coffee and a bag of bread." She handed the items to Aveline with a gentle voice.

"Thank you." Aveline received it and gave the money.

On her way home, Aveline saw her friend. "Mildred, join me for breakfast."

"Wow! Thanks!" Mildred seemed delighted to the offer; she was lazy to cook breakfast anyway. Also on the road, a prostitute named Brenda was out to buy breakfast at the Sari-sari store. She was Aveline's friend, but Brenda had a strained relationship with Mildred. Brenda and Mildred were like cats and dogs, constantly at odds with each other.

"Way to ruin my morning!" Brenda grumbled under her breath upon seeing two stray dogs blocking her way. The dogs were having sex, unmindful of their surroundings while engaging in a lewd performance. Brenda picked a stone and hurled it at the dogs.

"Ikkkkkkk!! Ikkkkkkk! Ikkkkkk!" The male dog was hit at the back, frantically crying and running in circles. He almost bit Mildred's leg.

Mildred turned to Brenda like an enraged tigress, ready to kill with her claws. "The fuck is your problem? Bitch?!" She shouted, pointing her finger at Brenda.

"Fuck you too, bitch! Did you run out of meth?" Brenda sneered and ran away.

"Hey! Just leave her! It's too early to pick up a fight." Aveline pulled Mildred's hand, preventing to pursue Brenda.

Aveline prepared breakfast, consisting of fried eggs, bread, and hot coffee. "Mildred, have you ever been in love?" she inquired, pausing to sip her coffee.

Mildred looked up, her forehead creased in thought. "Don't tell me. You're in love? Well, are you?"

"Yes, but we're not meant to be together," Aveline responded with a tinge of sadness.

Mildred finished her coffee and frowned. "Not meant to be? Forget that nonsense! You both breathe the same air. Why can't you be together?"

"Life sucks," Aveline concluded in despair, finishing the last piece of bread. It had been seven days since she last saw Margo, and she couldn't help missing her. Mildred noted the sorrow in Aveline's chocolate eyes and sighed, feeling powerless to assist. They were in similar predicaments, with happiness seemingly out of reach.

"If I hadn't been born a whore, maybe I could fight for my love. Maybe I'd deserve to hope for a better life. Not like this, not this kind of life." Aveline managed a pained smile. She finished her coffee, absorbing the bitter taste of hope.

After breakfast, Mildred started cleaning up. "Hey...don't be so down. It's too early for soap opera drama. We don't need this kind of mood in the morning," she joked, trying to lighten the mood. "Why don't we share my joint? I couldn't get meth; the cops are cracking down. So, I just got some weed," Mildred suggested nonchalantly, as if offering a simple treat.

Aveline stifled a laugh. "It's alright. You can have it all. I can't stand the smell." Even though she disapproved of Mildred's habit, she knew she couldn't stop her.

Suddenly, a clang echoed from outside, drawing their attention to the window. Mildred rolled her eyes in disgust. "That old hag is at it again, tossing her piss. Why can't she just use the toilet instead of collecting it in a basin? Disgusting!" She crossed her arms, visibly annoyed. "Did you hang your clothes out, Aveline?"

Prompted by Mildred's reminder, Aveline rushed outside to save her teddy bear, relieved to find Jomar safe, albeit with a urine stain on his green eyes. Virgie, a thoughtless resident from the fourth floor, frequently dumped urine from her basin.

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