That until the door of the study room thoroughly closed itself to hide his aspect, the Duke that was left all alone inside has been eerily staring at him till the very end. Whether it was for the better or not that the juvenile chose not to look back, that was still unknown. But if ever he actually looked back that time, that stare could've haunted him with endless suspicions, for sure.

Since the room of the young lady of Yreles wasn't that far away from the place that they went from, it didn't give them much of a long road to the point that they'd exhaust their legs just by walking to reach there.

The maid firstly took a small peek of the lady's state inside by the door, before she could decide whether it wouldn't hurt if she made a knock. But it seems, getting the lady's approval to enter was a bit unnecessary.

"It appears that the lady is asleep. I'll be preparing some refreshments, so please be careful on your way there.", the servant made her exit, signaling for a quiet intrusion.

"Okay.", Noah answered and commanded the rest of the people in the party.

"You guys wait here."

""As you wish, Your Highness.""

Entering the room, the young man carefully opened and closed the door in order to avoid making any unnecessary, loud noises that'd interrupt the deep slumber of the girl in the bed. He kept the sound of his footsteps at a low volume and approached the chair that was conveniently placed beside the bed to take a sit on it.

Then as soon as he arrived at that point, he took a sigh of relief at the thought of the successful evasion of the interruption to the 'princess's' rest. Or so he assumed, but...

"The chair's position was quite favorable, wasn't it?"

Attacked by surprise of the voice that phrased as such all of a sudden, his body flinched heavily. And due to the flow of events, he hit the lower back of his head over the hard-wooded, antique chair.

"Ow!! What was that for?!", yelled, the prince that tried to comfort the part that was hit while tapping it rapidly with his whole, right hand, in a light manner.

"I expected enough that you'd be surprised, but it was out of my speculations that you'd end up hitting your head like that.", the blonde-haired girl laughed and got her upper body up on the bed.

"You're just being mean to me, right now."

"Will you behead me for that?", was what she jokingly said but, in a flash, severe images suddenly appeared into her mind.

What's more was that those images contained no other than undesirable events, to her perspective. It all swiftly came across her thoughts;

The memories of when an adult version of the boy beside her right now looked at her way with a very aggravated yet fearsome face, which also grieved upon the fate that was shown to her on the next events that continued to play in her mind. These images finished exposing itself to Natasha, only after she found her role there, being beheaded till its view went all black and nothing.


She was thankfully brought back to reality as soon as she heard Noah's voice calling her name. It became her salvation for it woke her up from the nightmare-like things that she saw amid their playful conversation, at present time.

"......You won't actually behead me, will you?"

"Huh? Why should I?"

"...Ah- Never mind what I just said."

'Wait... In the first place, how did I come up with that conclusion again?', Natasha thought, being unable to remember the reason why she had such a presumptuous assumption, after just a single second passing.

It was as if the memory was completely erased from the history of her mind.

Ignoring that mysterious fact as if it was nothing to her now, she prioritized what she wished to say to the silver-haired juvenile before her eyes, at the moment.

"By the way, I told you not to come anymore, didn't I?"

"You always say that, and it makes me feel like father has doubled now. Not to mention, is it so bad to be concerned of your well-being?"

"I appreciate Your Highness' concern, but I'm okay. Also, as I've mentioned before, this place is too dangerous for you. That's why-"

"If you insist, explain how it's dangerous first.", the Crowned Prince interrupted, demanding a valid reason which could make the advice of the lady with amber irises, absolute.


The reluctance on Natasha's expression and manner of speech was as clear as day. That proved how crucial the information within the grasp of her hands were. But the fact that she couldn't reveal it so easily to Noah made him feel like he was being underestimated even when the other person was three years younger than him. To be honest, rather than having such a feeling, he was angrier at the thought that things could've already settled down if only there was proper understanding between them. And that included their honesty to one another.

Nevertheless, he still knew that nothing good could happen in forcing someone to unfold their own deepest secrets. Hence, he merely sighed his vexation out and turned a blind eye on this matter.

"I understand. I won't press any further than this. And I'll do as you've instructed me to do for now."

The girl smiled at him beamingly and said,

"Very well."

To add up another reason why he gave her some time to confess it all to him. It was because the person right by his side at present...

Just recently tried to kill herself by the peak of the stairs, in front of her own father, apparently.

And the bandages wrapped around her legs and head were a definitive proof of that fact.

Noah would never intend to drive the lady to the corner, just so she could repeat the same attempt all because of his mistakes. As such, for the sake of the safety of the person that he had faint affectionate emotions on, he endured his selfishness, being aware that it was the best and safest course of action that he could take.

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum