20!- Commander in chief

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Carinas pov
Its June, pride month! God I can't wait to see the celebrations here, I thought to myself as I watched Maya laying on my lap "so my love what do you want to do" she asked sweetly and turned around facing me "can we go to the celebrations in the streets" I asked and looked at her with beggin look "of course my love whatever you want " she said and I kissed her desperate for her lips "I love you" I said and to the kiss, she separated our lips and hold my face in her hands "you are you most adorable person on earth" she said and kissed me shortly "let's go I want to pick my outfit" she said as she grabbed my hand and led me to our bedroom.
"What should I wear" she asked with the most adorable confused look on her face "this one bambina" I said and pointed at the white shirt with the little rainbow on it "thank you" she said sweetly and kissed me
"Ok I'm ready let's go" I said and went to hugged her while she made some snacks "wow bambina that a lot how long to you think we gonna be there? A week?!" I said laughing at her "I thought I should make a lot maybe some people will want some too" she said sweetly "oh my considerate girlfriend" I said and turned her so we will be fase to fase "I love you" I said and pinned our forheads together "now let go" "wait wait we need water too" she yelled and put five bottles in her backpack "ok I'm ready" she said like a little girl getting ready for school "let's go" I giggled and we walk out of the door

Mayas pov
"Ok from here we just need to go two states this way" I said and we walked we some people until we got there and I honest when I'm say this is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen "wow" Carina whispered and hold my hand "I know right" I said and felt someone touching my shoulder "hey" the woman said I think I know her from somewhere but I don't know from where "hey are you ok" I asked confused "oh yeah I just.. um... you're a firefighter right" the woman said and I looked at her confused "yes I am do I know you, you look very familiar" I ask and she just hugged me "you saved my life in the big fire at the skyscraper three months ago, I know it was you, you stayed with me and didn't let them take me until I calmed down thank you so much" the woman said and I finally hugged her back "enjoy your pride sorry for bothering you thank you so much I literally own you my life" she said and let go from the hug "thank you so much for coming to talk with me enjoy you pride!" I said with tears in my eyes and she walked away "are you ok bambina" Carina asked when she saw a tear rolled down my cheek "yes I'm good it's was a little overwhelming but it's ok" I said and she hugged me tightly "do you want to keep walking bambina" "yes let's go"
"Oh bella wait it's look like something happened there" she said and run to help "we need a doctor" someone yelled and I run after Carina "are you a doctor" someone asked me "no but I'm a firefighter and she's a doctor let us see what we can do" I said "are you ok sir" Carina asked kindly "my head" he said a little confused "ok let me see" Carina said as I checked indices "your head bleed a little but you're going to be ok I'm gonna call my friend at Grey's Sloan you should go for a check out" Carina said and I helped him get up "wow be careful" I heard Carina saying and when I looked to her I saw her on the floor "are you ok" I asked worried "yes I'm good" "disgusting lesbian" I heard someone saying to her and I got so mad "what did you said" I yelled "its ok bambina" she said and hold her arm, I moved her hand and saw she was bleeding a little "it's not ok you're bleeding" I said and the man was infront of us "you should apologize" I said "thats facts you're a disgusting lesbians" he said and I got so mad "it's ok bella let go" Carina said and I helped her get up, we kept walking and he bumped into me "ok that it" I said and punched him in the face "get the hell away from us" I yelled and we kept walking "bambina its ok don't let this ruin you're day" Carina said and kissed me...

Carinas pov
"Home sweet home" I said and we sat on the couch a few minutes later we heard someone at the door "I will get that" Maya said and opened the door, and we saw a police officer "are you Maya Bishop" he asked " yes it's me is everything ok" "we need you to come to the station "Todd Jones has filed a complaint against you" he said and I got up "the man from today" I asked a little worried "I guess but it's ok my love let's just go."
I know she said it's ok but I'm terrified she is the capitan that can really hurt her career...
"Ok you will go to this room your..." the police officer asked "girlfriend" I answered "girlfriend can come with you" he said and we got into the room "Maya Bishop" the woman in the room ask "yes" Maya said, she doesn't look scared and it drives me crazy how can she so calm I don't get that "ok so can you tell me what happened today" the woman asked and Maya explained everything.
"Ok you good to go, but I have to tell you, you're a captain so there will be reporters out there" she said and we thanked her.

Mayas pov
"Are you ok" I asked Carina on our way out "yes I'm good but what are we going to do about the reporters" she asked a little worried "trust me" I said and we got out "captain Bishop Mr Jones said that he was assaulted by you what can you tell us about that" one of the reporters asked "were you ever taught when you were young if you mess with things selfishly, they're bound to come undone? I'm not the only one that's been affected and resented every story you've spun, and I'm a lucky one 'cause there are people worse off that have suffered enough,haven't they suffered enough?" I said trying to make people understand our situation "it pride month and I was the one who got assaulted by him, no, my girlfriend was the one who got assaulted by him for what? That what I'm asking, for being who she is, for loving who she wants to love, god this world needs to get over that times have changed we need to accept each other and not hate people for their love" I said and we started to go to our car "I love you" "I love you too baby..."

Happy pride month!! I hope you get to celebrate who you are because you're beautiful and it doesn't matter who are you or who you love😌✋🏽

And also I hope you all enjoyed Marinas amazing wedding!!🏳️‍🌈🦋

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