I chuckled, and we all stood up, ready to leave. Despite what the boys said, I still felt nervous.

We reached the venue and most of the crew was already there, setting up. We had to go to hair and make-up to get ready for our interview, and then we had to get Jenna to approve our outfits in the dressing room.

I was impatient as people started putting make up on my face. I hated it, but it was an interview and this was the routine. I practically ran towards to dressing room, and was relieved to see Jenna there, alone.

“Hey,” I murmured, hugging her.

“Hey love,” Jenna smiled, pressing a kiss to the corner of my lips.

“I’m nervous.” I admitted to my girlfriend, running my hands through my hair.

Jenna smiled slightly as she adjusted my shirt, “You don’t have to, you know. It doesn’t matter to me.”

“I want to though. I’m just scared of everyone’s reactions.”

“I don’t really give a damn, you know.”  Jenna laughed.

“I know,” I laughed, feeling a bit better.

“I’ll see you later Jen,” I smiled once she finished giving me a once over, “I love you.” I felt her smile as I pressed my lips to hers.

“Love you too.” She said, pulling back, “Now go! You have a job to do.”

I smiled back at her as I exited the room. The boys were outside, all smirking. I mentally groaned.

“Have fun, love?” Louis snickered.

“Yes, sweetheart.” I smirked back, making fun of what Eleanor called him.

“I’ll wait here.” I told them.

I thought about what, exactly, I would say. I had talked quickly to Paul and had asked him to tell whoever handled this interview to tell the interviewer to ask about relationships near the end. I figured I would do the easiest thing and say it simply. The interview would obviously ask us to raise our hands if we were single, and only Niall and Zayn would. She’d obviously zone in on me and ask me for the name, and I would finally reveal that ‘Jarry’ was real.

I felt Liam’s hand on my back and I smiled at him as all the boys as we walked towards the room where we were being interviewed.

The interview started and it was quite funny; definitely different than the normal interviews. After nearly ten minutes, we got down to the question that needed to be answered.

“So,” the dark haired interviewer asked, “who’s single?”

“I am,” Zayn answered, raising his hand.

“Same here.” Niall laughed.

“So that leaves Liam, Louis and recently, Harry in relationships!”

“Yeah, I’m dating a dancer named Danielle and Louis’ with a lovely girl named Eleanor.” Liam answered, keeping it short.

“Let’s move onto you, Harry,” the woman smirked, “what’s the name of your leading lady?”

“Um,” I took a deep breath, “She’s actually a very close friend of mine. Her name’s Jenna.”

“Jenna?” her eyebrows raised, “Matthews? As in your stylist?”

“Yeah,” I smiled, looking over to where she was off the camera, “she’s amazing.”

“So how long has it been going on for?”

“Not too long; only a couple weeks. But when we met back up again in April, it was pretty obvious we had feelings for each other. It just took a while to admit it.” I chuckled.

“We literally had to force them to talk. The sexual tension was killing us.” Louis said.

“It hurt to look at them knowing that they weren’t together but so perfect for each other.” Liam said, laughing.

“So it’s serious?” the interviewer asked, as if to confirm.

“Very.” I smiled widely, unable to stop after feeling such a huge weight being lifted off my chest.

The interview ended then and we bid our goodbyes. We had to do soundcheck with the VIP ticket holders and then some chill time before the show. In all honesty, I felt so good now; the fact that I had no caffeine in my body didn’t matter. I was happy.

Really short and a terrible ending, I know. But I wanted to get something out for you all since exams are starting soon and I don’t know if I’ll get to write. Than you all for your support! It means the absolute world I can’t believe that this story is almost at 300K reads!


Q: Describe yourself in one word.


A: hmmm…..I would have to say crazy. I don’t even know why, but I’m loud and I get hyper easily.


Okay, gotta get back to class now (yes, I’m writing this during lunch because I love you all)




Then and Now: A Harry Styles FanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя