"I haven't called the police. I can't."

"What do you mean you can't? Nala, you need to tell the police and you need to take Cami to the hospital. When did this happen? This is my fault I should have never let the pair of you move back to Manchester."

"We can't call the police because he's dead."

The silence after what I said was deafening and I could hear the sound of my sharp breaths.

"What?" Uncle Tom asked quietly.

"He's dead. Cami killed him." My voice was barely audible and for a second I wondered if he actually heard me.

"Tell me exactly what happened." Uncle Tom's voice was surprisingly calm.

I told him everything. I told him how Cami had called me and what I came home to. I told me what the disgusting pig did to Cami and how she defended herself. I thought it would be hard to get the words out but once I started talking everything came out.

Uncle Tom didn't say anything, he didn't ask any questions, he just listened. Once I was done, I felt relieved as it if a huge weight had been removed from my chest.

"We need to find out who has been sending you those texts messages." He finally said after I finished telling him everything.

"It has to be someone I know or else they wouldn't have had my number. I think they've been watching me for a while."

"This isn't good Nala, we need to find out who it is and keep them quiet. The Alpha can never know what happened, you're right about what would happen to both of you if he found out."

"What should I do?" I questioned wondering if he could somehow track this person down.

"Send me over the numbers he has used to contact you with, I'll see what I can do. If we can't find out his identity through that you may need to meet him in person." Uncle Tom paused before continuing. "Don't worry I won't let him hurt you, I'll be there too."

"You're coming to Cornwall?"

"No and you're not staying in an unknown area either. You need to go back to Manchester and remain calm. Come to my house first and I'll come with you."

I shook my head, even though he couldn't see me. "You don't need to come with us, I'm not expecting you to uproot your life again for us."

"Nala, I am your uncle. I am not uprooting anything for you, this is what families do." He said firmly leaving no room for arguments.

"I-I don't know what to say. Thank you."

"You're going to be okay Nala, you're both going to be okay."

After confirming our new plan which consisted of Cami and I driving to his house, staying there for a couple of days and him coming back with us to Manchester, we said our goodbyes and ended the call. I then copied the numbers the creep had used to contact me and forwarded them on to my uncle.

It felt strange to have someone else know what happened and someone helping us, it didn't feel as terrifying as before. Don't get me wrong, I was still scared shitless of what would happen to us if the Alpha found out but it wasn't as bad as before and the burden of keeping us safe wasn't just on me.

Once Cami finally exited the bathroom, I relayed the conversation I had with Uncle Tom. I could see the relief on her face once she realised that it wasn't just the two of us anyone, there would be someone else to help. Cami didn't question anything and agreed with our new plan which made everything a lot easier.

After that discussion we both agreed that we weren't hungry enough to have a meal but hungry enough to eat something, we both decided to gorge on the snacks we got for the journey and watch some TV. We flicked through the channels until we found something to watch. We chose to watch Michael McIntyre's comedy show as it was light-hearted and funny and we needed that, a lot.

We were in the middle of watching the second episode when the hotel room phone began to ring.

"Not it!" I yelled before Cami could say it.

"Urgh." Cami groaned as she got up from bed. "Why is it so far away?"

I laughed as I paused the show. She threw me a dirty look before answering the phone. I watched as she frowned before looking at me.

"It's for you." She told me, looking confused.

"What?" I got up from the bed and walked over to it.

She handed the phone over to me and put it to my ear. "Hello."

"Hello Nala."

My eyes widened in horror as I recognised the male voice on the other side of the phone.

It was Alpha Alessandro.


A/N: I hope you guys liked the chapter

Let me know what you think is going to happen next.

Next chapter will be up in a few days but you can read ahead on www.patreon.com/kayy_b

Thank you to everyone who reads, comments and votes. I really appreciate your support!

-Kayy xx

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