'...... Well, why didn't you just hold on to it until then?'

'i know it seems really fucking illogical, but trust me, i have reasons why i do things'

"well, at least he know's..."

trucy gently put the letter away into her before gently nudging apollo's arm 

'Well, time's a-wasting!'

'don't fuck up or ruin anything, i worked hard to get this shit together'

apollo would like to consider himself as a patient person, but sometimes even he had his limits, like right now

'That's 20 minutes we've been waiting here! 20 minutes!'

Trucy sighed as she nodded in agreement

'Maybe I should complain? I'm sure that guard has better things to do than stand there pretending he doesn't see us'

'You know the minute we get angry, the client will show. It always works that way'

Trucy crossed her arms

'Like shouting, "Oh, waiter!" and they're standing right behind you? Oh, guaaaaard! Is our client going to be much longer?'

she called out, the guard stared at them in confusion

'What are you talking about!? Haven't you already started the meeting, yet!?'


suddenly a girl popped up from the corner of the wall, trucy nearly fell out of chair screaming as apollo held onto his bracelet in shock

'Wh-Wh-Where'd you come from!?'

apollo cried out, the girl said nothing as she clung onto her book, looked to be some sort of sketchbook

'W-W-W-Well... ...Anyway! Please have a seat!'

apollo gestured to the chair across from him, the girl looked at it, back at him and took her seat, still not saying a word, the atmosphere in the rook started to get worse and worse

'...... I'm nervous, Apollo'

trucy whispered apollo whispered back, surprisingly quiet since he was so loud

'It's the silence. It builds suspense. Why don't you do something, Trucy? You're a magician, aren't you?'

'Th-That's right. OK...'

trucy grinned as she pulled down on her sattle, and out come mr hat

'I'm the Amazing Mr. Hat!'

the girl started at them with wide eyes, then fell out of her chair, trucy jumped as she got up, putting her hands on the glass, trying to see if the girl was okay

' She passed out!'

Apollo honestly had no words

'....Ms. Magic Underwear might have been a better bet'

trucy huffed

'That's "Magic Panties", Apollo!'

the girl slowly stood up again, taking her seat once more, apollo felt his anxiety starting to stir

'Um. Uh. Hi! Well, I'm your defense... ...I really think it has to be fate, you know!'

she said nothing, keeping on a blank face

'And by fate, I mean destiny! Did you know I'm good with astrology? Tell me, what's your sign?'

he asked, he wasn't even sure what he was doing anymore, he was just desperate to get her to say something

'...I can tell you mine, if you'd like, Apollo?'

trucy offered, apollo sighed but appreciated the gesture, at least she was trying her best

'...No, never mind. I just got carried away there 

"I seem destined to get difficult clients, it seems"

'Um... So, what's your name?'


'Oh, right, I'm supposed to introduce myself first! I'm Apollo! Apollo Justice!'


trucy shyly raised her hand

'And I'm Trucy Wright'

apollo blinked at her

'.i..I know trucy i worked for your dad' 

"This is getting nowhere fast, okay deep breathes justice you can do this"

Apollo breathed in and out before speaking again

'Hey, I know! Maybe you can tell us what happened? I'm your defense attorney, after all!'


Apollo darted his eyes at trucy nervously before eyeing his client again

'Um, anything out of the ordinary happen lately?'


Trucy fiddled with her thumbs

'Well, the other day this tourist from out of town stopped to ask me directions'

Apollo sighed

'thanks but...Later, Trucy' 

"I feel like I need to ask directions myself here...Well, that was fruitless. Though I think I understand despair a little better now."

Trucy frowned as she patted her back

'You did good, Apollo!'

the girl then anxiously started to bit onto her nails, trucy eyes slightly widen as she whispered into apollo's ear

'L-Look! She's doing her nails!;

'What? Are nails more important than defense? Is that it!? ...Let's go, Trucy'

just when the two where about to leave, ..the girl finally spoke up

'...Excuse me...'

both of them nearly fell over in surprise, apollo quickly made his way back over

'C-Could you... Could you read this?'

she asked nervously as she gave him a letter, apollo took it nervously

'Um, sure'

"if i wasn't gay and not in high school, i would say I feel like a teenager on a first date with a girl! And this is the love letter we passed from desk to desk at school..."

'read it, Apollo!'

'It... It's a business card. With a name and an address. The name is... Vera Misham? The address is for "Drew Studio".'

apollo looked up at her

'And you're giving me this card because...?'

she said nothing, apollo sighed, at least it was something

'...... Well, looks like we're finished here'

'I wonder if Drew Studio is the scene of the crime?'

'Let's go find out'

Klapollo Ace Attorney *Apollo justice*Where stories live. Discover now