She loves him

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"No!" San piped as he hurriedly packed up everything

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"No!" San piped as he hurriedly packed up everything.

"Let's get out of here!" I piped as I followed closely behind San who was currently leading us back to his car.


Hongjoong contemplated whether he should just walk in or turn back. He was suddenly having the urge to actually sit down and talk to his member and his bestfriend.

He listened to how y/n was willing to put in the extra effort to make everything okay with them while pushing her feelings aside and he thought If y/n could do this, then he could too.

Pushing the door slightly ajar, he peeked inside and just as expected, Wooyoung and Anna were there.

Ignoring the other figures, he asked "Can I talk to you guys?"

The rest of the members busied themselves as they left the three awkward figures in the livingroom.

Silence fell over the room for a few seconds before Anna let out "I'm sorry"

Hongjoong groaned in frustration as his shoulders slumped then he looked at her before saying "dont be, you fell for him and I should've been more understanding..."

"Yeah, I never wanted to keep it from you. It's just-" her words were stuck in her throat.

"I'm not mad that you're seeing him, I'm just mad that you locked me out of it. You kept it from me instead of just being straight forward"  Hongjoong reasonsed as he sat between the two.

"I've said this many many times, I hold you very close to me. I would never do anything to hurt you... as much as I tried to get rid of my feelings, Wooyoung, he showed me why I shouldn't" Anna cried.

"You're all I've got!" Hongjoong started as he stared over at Anna and at that statement, he heard one of the guys yelling from the kitchen "Yeah, and we're some sort of illusion or something-"

Meanwhile everything thing was working out for Hongjoong and his bestfriend, Wooyoung asked "You tried to get rid of your feelings for me?"

The hurt was evident in his voice.

Anna grasped his hands as she let out "Babe, please... it's not like that!"

"Then what?!" Wooyoung asked, giving her a chance to explain.

"I-i couldn't let go because I realised that I was already in love with you" Anna stuttered.

"Wooyoung's eyes widened and he quickly repeated "You love me?"

Anna nodded as she glanced between the two.

Wooyoung pushed Hongjoong aside as he held Anna face up in his hands and all he could do was seal her lips with his.

"Eww, get a room!" Hongjoong teased as the rest of the guys rushed into the livingroom with them.

Pushing the two apart, Hongjoong asked "Heard anything from y/n and san yet?"

"Not yet" Seonghwa piped out.

Sighing, Hongjoong continued "San was a real ass to her. Y/n loves him but he just can't-" and before Hongjoong could've continued, a familiar voice let out "Y/n loves San!"

All eyes averted to the parrot on Yeosang's shoulder as Polly said again "Y/n loves San!"


"My manager said to bring you to the dorm and he'll give you a ride from there" San said as he pulled up in the familiar driveway.

Hopping out of the vehicle, San did the same as he stood beside me. By now, my erection is put to rest as I shifted uncomfortably on my feet.

"I'll wait out here" I said as San scoffed at that.

"Stop being so stubborn and just come on in" San let out.

"I said that I'll wait out-" and before I could've finished my statement, I'm lifted off of the ground as San slung me over his shoulder.

"Put me down, you asshole!" I yelled as he moved closer to their dorm "San, please, I don't feel comfortable around you, Please don't force me to do this." I pleaded knowing that I was in a mood to stay by my self.

At that, San stopped. Placing me down gently, he asked "You don't feel comfortable around me?"

When I don't answer, San took it as his cue to leave.

And just as his figure disappeared through the halls, I couldn't help but to run the distance instead of waiting for his manager.


"She's going to kill me" Hongjoong squealed as he jumped to his feet "Hide the parrot before San comes back!"

Before Yeosang could've taken Polly into his room, the front door swings open.

All eyes were wide as they looked at each other. Polly however, flapped her wings as she planted her feet directly onto San's shoulders.

San was a bit taken aback by her behavior as well as the others just standing there, staring at him.

"What now?" He asked, hoarsely.

And just as he closed the door behind him, he heard Polly say "Y/n loves San!"

San stood frozen as the words replayed in his head like a broken record.

Y/n loves San....

"That's impossible...?" He let out in a whisper.

"Y/n loves San! Y/n loves San!" Polly started chanting as San's eyes widened.

"She loves me? That's impossible..."

It pained the members to see how San reacted especially Hongjoong since he knew the entire truth.

San faintly remembered seeing y/n that night, standing exactly where he was as his hands were placed on another.

It was like a pain in his heart or rather a sting, he couldn't look away from her that night and even when she had run off, he stared hoping he'd see her one last time.

The tears in her eyes are finally making sense and that, that hurt him even more.


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