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"Don't get pissed off, k?" San reasoned as he moved around y/n's sophisticated room

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"Don't get pissed off, k?" San reasoned as he moved around y/n's sophisticated room.

His eyes glazed over her room from her huge bed to each and every little detail that was placed into designing this room. 

"Ok? I'm getting worried now" I let out as I reached out for my cellphone, paying close attention, I waited.

Sighing, he let out "Apparently, we were extremely drunk and we may or may not have fucked in the kitchen-"

"What the fuck?!" I yelled out as San bit down on his bottom lip.

"On the counter top while uh-h you were screaming that you were a virgin and that I should take it easy" he continued and there goes my head dropping in my hands.

On the verge of crying, I asked "so, wait... you're an idol?! What if your fans-"

"After your friend, Michelle showed it to me-"

"Michelle and I aren't friends" I corrected with my left eyebrow quriked.

"Well, my friend, Michelle showed it to me and I immediately assumed that everyone had the video but nope! She's a keeper! She said that she was the only one because of some strange reason that you should know"

"Strange reason? Ohhh maybe because she's like this witch or something and everyone at school is literally scared of her. I guess if Michelle says that then it must be true" I said to the man who reached down to the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it over his head.

"So I am safe! Plus, my face was covered anyhow-"

"Your face was covered? How?" I questioned.

"I had a cold so I decided to wear a mask"

His reply was silly but extremely relieving. Atleast this won't put a dent in his career.

Well, other than the morning wood...

"While we were on that counter top, uh-h were we naked?" I questioned as embarrassment hits me.

"No, everything happened under your uh-h skirt but I may have sort of like puked on you and you gagged and immediately pulled your top off" he said, trying to limit exactly what he was saying.

"Listen! This is enough for tonight" I paused as I stared down at my feet then I continued "My reputation is already ruined, please don't embarrass me any further"

San nodded, a feeling of pity twisting his insides...

"I uh-h also met your mom" he said and my attention returns to him almost immediately.

"She wasn't very harsh!" He lied, trying to make y/n feel a bit better.

Considering that the woman scolded him for reaching late to the dinner table and also for even eating before the male of the house, y/n's dad.

San got scolded for even wearing what seemed like y/n's night dress to the table as he recalled what her mother said "I've warned you so many times! What if someone breaks in and kill us? Would you want to die looking like that? Dress as if it's your last night!"

"You don't have to lie" I said, catching onto his act.

Smiling softly over at me, he asked "But were you really a virgin?"

I nodded, hating myself in the moment as I knew I had one goal in life.

I didn't want to just go out and sleep with everyone I saw, I was trying to uphold a promise to my grandmother.

"My grandmother comes down at the cafe whenever I'm opened so you'll meet her soon but yeah, I was a virgin. My grandmother asked me to make a promise to her when I smaller that I would sleep with just my husband but uh-h-"

"It's okay, you don't have to talk about it." San comforted me.

I nodded.

"Anyhow, forget all that dramatic bullshit! My college schedule is literally saved on my laptop in my files and well, you just need to attend to the bakery and well deal with my parents, k?"

San nodded then said "Okay! And well, my manager will let you know when we have a schedule other than that, you're free"

"I actually already met him, he said that we have a dance practice tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it" I let out, knowing that my dance moves consisted of merely twerking and shimmying.

San smiled at that.

"I'm also going clubbing with the guys tomorrow so yeah, I have a long day ahead of me" I let out, yawning in the process.

"Get some sleep" San sighed and I nodded "Yeah, I'll reply to Ten then go to bed"

San nodded as the lines disconnected.

Y/n simply sent a quick text to Ten saying I'm sorry about that night, I was really drunk and had no clue about what was happening...

San however, had other plans. He somehow felt sad about the way y/n's life was going. She seemed to have enough to deal with already- her parents, working and also college, where her reputation is completely ruined because of him... or atleast that's what he thinks.

He knew that he needed to fix this.

Smiling to himself, his feet took him infront of the body length mirror. Looking at y/n's body, he let out "Some changes could be made"

San had the perfect plan of giving y/n's body a full make over. He just hoped to the God above that she would approve.

His smile faltered when he felt a sudden pain striking through his body and he knew exactly what that meant.

Period cramps

The man placed his hand on y/n's belly as he crouched down. Coiling up like a snake, he allowed himself to cry.

He had no clue period cramps would be so painful and never did he think that he'd be feeling this kind of pain...

He could hear footsteps moving closer and closer to his room and just then, they stopped infront of his door as he cried out.

"Y/n?! Can't you keep it down?" The familiar voice rings through the thin air.

"Period cramps!" He yelled out, hoping that y/n's mother would show some sort of sympathy since she knew what this was like being a woman and also the fact that y/n was her daughter but unfortunately, all she said was "Are you really disturbing my beauty sleep because of your period cramps? You've always been known for being overdramatic!"

And with those last words, the woman walked away.

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