Uncontrollable Control Freak

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"Have some ketchup" Ten said, squirting ketchup over my fries as we're seated in the livingroom of Michelle's and I shared apartment

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"Have some ketchup" Ten said, squirting ketchup over my fries as we're seated in the livingroom of Michelle's and I shared apartment.

"I-i thanks" I don't bother objecting, knowing that an argument would be formed and especially at the fact that San and Michelle were right beside us.

"But you don't like ketchup" San interrupted as he looked over in our direction.

My head snapped in his direction and I quickly let out "There's nothing wrong in trying it"

San quirked his eyebrow at that as Ten ignored whatever had just happened.

Halfway through the movie, I heard Ten's voice "You seem to be gaining weight, better pull together a diet before I run off"

Nodding at that, Ten patted my head as San once again, interrupted "Why should y/n go on a diet for you? Shouldn't it  be her choice?"

Snapping my head over at San, I stayed quiet.

Looking between the two male, I felt myself being grabbed my hand as my plate fell to the ground in the process of Ten dragging me in the direction of my room.

Curse words slipping from his mouth as slammed the door behind us. And as expected, I felt the stinging pain rushing trhough my body as his fist came in contact with my jaw.

"Is that what you like?!"

I dare not move or utter a single word.

"Answer me, woman! You like when other men interrupt us?!"

Befire this could've gone further, my bedroom door swung open revealing a very angry San.

"Get your fucking hands off of Y/n!" San hissed as he rushed over in my direction.

"You're once again ruining our friendship!" Ten yelled as he gestured between him and San.

"This isn't y/n's fault, this is your fucking fault!"

And with that, Ten stomped his way out of my room. Assuming that he left, instead of crying like I would usually do, I let out "You-u don't need to do this-"

San was a bit taken aback by my words as he said "You deserve better, you don't deserve to be treated this wa-"

"What do you know?! I've been nothing but a horrible girlfriend to Ten. If anything, I don't deserve him!" I shouted.

My hands rushed to my head as my fingers are lightly massaging my scalp. My face stained with tears even though I planned not to cry.

Pushing San away, I hopped to my feet as I paced around my room. Restlessly, I murmured "Now I have to find a way to apologize to him again"

Bringing my fingers up to my mouth, nervously, I bit down on my nails as San stared at me in bewilderment.

What was I doing to myself?

San listened to y/n's words and as much as he hated seeing his friend like this, he couldn't ignore the word 'again'

"Is this the first time- uh-h Ten abused you?" His question is more of a whisper and when I don't answer, San figured out his whole truth.

Picking himself up, he left.


"When was the last time she came here?" San asked and the woman simply replied with "It's been thirty seven days since I'd last seen her"

He couldn't ignore the sad look on y/n's grandmother face.

"As much as I hate to say this" the woman started, taking San's hand in hers, she continued "She's becoming just like her mother"

Those words weren't taken lightly by San "No, she would never- its just that she isn't really so"

San was having a hard time explaining or rather justifying y/n's situation as the elder said "These days, I see you more than I see her. She-"

The woman paused at that, before heaving a sigh, she then continued "she told me that she was seeing someone, does he have something to do with-"

"I-i don't know, grams, I'll try talking to her again"

The woman saw right through San's lies. He did know.... he knew exactly what was happening....


Stepping out of the bar, I hoped to the Gods that my makeup was still on covering my bruises as I waved down a taxi.

Hopping in, I let the driver know my destination as I drifted off into my thoughts.

I hadn't seen Frisky or my grams in so long but yet I couldn't. I wanted to wrap myself up and just stay put in a place where no one would see me.

If I could've hide in my closet and not go anywhere, it would've been just perfect.

But I couldn't, I had bills to pay and I had to pay for my grams treatment. Though I wasn't visiting her, I would still make sure to get the money delivered somehow.

I wasn't strong enough to face her anymore.

She would've seen right through me.

And I didn't want to break down in a public space filled with elderly that was obviously ready to push advice down my throat.

I just couldn't...

"We're here!" The driver interrupted my thoughts and I quickly paid him before stepping out.

Looking in my driveway, my heart stopped as I noticed Ten's car parked there.

Sighing, I let my footsteps carry me into Michelle's and I shared apartment.

Closing the door behind me, I noticed that the livingroom was quite quiet.

He's probably in my room?...

Moving over to my room, I notice that it was empty as well. That's until I heard moans.

My hearing finally allowing me to fully take in what was happening. The headboard hitting the wall that kept Michelle and I separated as his grunts were heard.

My footsteps carried my weight lightly infront of her room door and I contemplated if I walk in as I placed my hands on the cold doorknob.

Making up my mind, I twisted the knob as I pushed the door opened, and as expected, his figure hovered hers as my appearance didn't even faze him.

Michelle and Ten?!

My mind was losing control and instead of waiting for him to come out to either blame me or hit me, I rushed ro the door, knowing exactly where I needed to be...


Don't forget to vote and I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far.

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