Baseball Pants

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"Can't I do it the next time?" I begged and the two males let out in unison "No, you have to do it now"

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"Can't I do it the next time?" I begged and the two males let out in unison "No, you have to do it now"

Sighing, I made my way into the strange room as San followed closely behind while Hongjoong's figure became smaller as we moved further into the room.

"You're lucky that Seonghwa is allowing us to do this in his room otherwise, it would've been at the company infront of staffs"

Sighing, I took a seat on the chair that was placed just infront of a nice background that Seonghwa had pulled together quickly.

"I feel a bit nauseous-"

"Thats because you're nervous" San interrupted as he held my hand then he continued "But don't worry, I'll be right next to you just out of the frame"

Nodding, I sighed once more before San switched on the live stream.

"Hello guys" I forced out as the comments from the screen kept scrolling up quickly.

"Yes, it is me! San!" I stuttered out, glancing over at San.

He stuck his thumps up as I continued "How are you guys today? Are you okay-"

And that was it!

That was the moment my words were stuck in my throat as the liquid comes spewing out of my mouth and straight onto the camera.

San's figure, or should I say my figure came rushing over in front of the camera as he hurriedly switched the stream off.

I warned him about how I was feeling but he never listened.

Rubbing my back, I heard him say "Let it out"


Two days had passed since, the internet went wild.

Fans wanted to know if San was okay and to be quite honest, he was but in my case, I wasn't.

I had been in bed not eating or drinking anything but a sip of cold water every few hours.

San was stuck by my side as he scrolled through the bird app.

Is San okay?

How shameful for an idol?

Way to ruin his reputation?

Who was that girl?

Is that San's girlfriend?

Questions were coming from fans and also haters, they wanted answers yet we couldn't give it to them.

We know for sure now that his manager will be furious knowing that a girl was there that day during the livestream in Seonghwa's room

However, I had been cuddled up in bed all day again, a massive headache pounding in my head.

I felt as if someone was literally squeezing my brain with their hands.

"You're awake" I heard the voice beside me.

Glancing up at him, I didn't respond.

Passing his hand against the surface of my forehead, he asked "Better now?"

And at that, I jolted up and quickly leaned over at the side of the bed, grabbing the bucket, I once again puked my guts out.


Almost one week and finally, I was feeling a bit better.

"You haven't been going to classes?" I asked in a whisper and San pouted before replying "How could I? You were sick, did you expect me to leave you alone?"

Smiling softly at that, I said "I'm getting better now"

"I know and that makes me very happy" he said.

"What happened that da-"

"No big deal! We told the fans that I'm better now and they were curious about you since they saw me when I switched off the livestream so we told them that you're a staff. Everything's settled now"

Nodding at that, I said "Thank you"

San smiled at that and I don't know what it was but I was suddenly very happy that he was in my life at this moment.

I was happy that I had someone who cares for me.

"How did you even get so sick? Were you that nervous?" San asked, breaking the silence.

"No, it's just that I feel nauseous lots of time. I had gastroenteritis when I was smaller so I guess it tends to affects me up to now? You see that scar just above my butt?"

"Yeah, what is that?"

"I sort of almost died when I was just a few months big deal"

Looking at the scar, it was about the length from the tip of my index finger to the starting of it.

"Yeah, so every time I go on long drives or when I get a weird stench, I normally just throw up. "

His expression was one of sadness.

"You poor thing!" He said, pinching my cheeks.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" He questioned.

Shrugging, I said "Didn't think it was all that important"

Rolling his eyes, he said "It is to me.."

Looking over at him immediately, I asked "what?"

Staring over at me for a few seconds, he said "I said it's important to me since you know, I'm in your body right now"

"Oh" I piped out, forcing an awkward smile out.


"You must be wearing space pants because your ass is out of this world" San tried his best at pick up lines.

Smirking over at him, I crushed his little hope to succeeding.

"They're baseball plants because they're way out of your league, dude!"

"Gosh! Can't you just let me win for once?!" He fretted.

"Okay, try again" I reasoned.

"Your pants would look great on my bedroom floor" he let out.

Smiling innocently, I let out "Great! You can buy the same pair at Walmart for $10"


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