I belong to him?

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Be his?

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Be his?

Did I really wanted to be his?

Was I ready for that commitment after throwing my feelings out as if this was some cliche love triangle?

His words replaying in my mind as I find a smile replacing the sad expression on my face.

I scrunched my nose up a bit before saying "Call me yours"

And with that, he wasted no time in capturing my lips with his.

I deserve this!

I deserve happiness!


I knew for a fact that if I wanted to be happy and by being happy, it meant that I would need to let loose all feelings and try again.

I've never been in a relationship to begin with so this was all going to be new to me.

And besides, who else would I try this with if not my crush known my sole purpose for even attending college, right?!

Parting from his lips, now doubled in size as he stared ahead of me "Tomorrow is our last day at college together. Why don't we celebrate with dinner after?"

"Just you and I?" I asked and the man was quick to reply with "Of course, my girlfriend"

"I like the sound of that" I mumbled against the softness of his swollen lips.


A red dress!

That's exactly what I needed in this moment, rummaging through my closet, I grunted.

The only thing visible to my eyes was a bunch of skirts and crop tops San had bought.

Pulling pieces of clothing off of the rack one by one, I paused as my eyes landed on something.

Grasping the material in my hand, I squealed in excitement as I quickly dressed myself.

The silk material hung just above my knee with a small slit to the side of my right, going up mid-thigh. The front of the blue dress exposed no such thing as a cleavage while the back of the dress hung lowly, giving full view to my shoulders.

Looking at myself infront of the body length mirror, I simply passed a brush through my shoulder length blue hair before applying a bit of lip balm on to the surface of my soft lips.

As if on time, I heard Michelle "Ten's here-oh wait never mind!"

And on that never mind, I'm already out of my room waiting to be greeted by Ten but unfortunately, it was San.

His eyes snapped over in my direction and he immediately asked "Where are you going all dressed up tonight?"

"I graduated with a distinction today so must I not celebrate with my new boyfriend?" I asked with the biggest grin on my face.

San laughed at that before saying "Suddenly got a boyfriend and you're letting our friendship slide"

"No-I would never do that!" I defended and he laughed before turning back to the woman who demanded his attention.

"We'll have the place all to ourselves tonight" I heard Michelle's voice and with wide eyes, I yelled "Remind me to lock my door before I leave!"

"Even on your be-" San was interrupted when the doorbell rang for a second time.

And as expected, my date was finally here.


"We're here!" Ten piped with a smile tugging at his lips. Ten never looked better, a black tuxedo hugging his body as his black hair rested lightly on his forehead.

Running over to my side, he opened the door as he pulled an all time gentleman act as he placed his hand out for me to take.

Surprisingly, there wasn't any bright flashes of light as I would expect. And then just on time, Ten reassured me.

"Don't worry! I u-uh made sure I lost all paparazzi before picking you up, babe"

"Ohhh~babee!" I teased and he simply replied with "Would you prefer something else, maybe sweetheart? Baby? Love?"

Flustered by all those names, I yelled "Babe is just fine!"

Ten laughed at that before we made our way inside the restaurant.

Coming in contact with the softness of the chair, we had a night full of conversation and giggles ahead of us.


"I was so shocked at first! I was like what just happened?!" Ten started as he took a bite of his food before continuing "I mean, your blue hair really left me speechless but I liked the black hair better, if I'm being honest"

"Really?! I don't know- I think the blue suits me better so you might want to get used to it soon" I troubled.

Smiling at that, he voiced out "So y/n, other than art of course, what else do you find intriguing?"

"I'm not really sure, maybe animals?" My tone of voice settled it off in a question, something I was completely unsure of.

I haven't really had the time to discover myself and truly figure out what my likes and dislikes were, as I grew up in a household of being treated like some sort of mechanical piece.

It was until San had moved out I had gotten a bit of freedom but yet it was limited since I obviously wasn't living my life. I was living San's life, at this point, I probably know more than him about his own self.

"That's good! Back at the dorm, we have two cats and a dog, animals are absolutely the best!" Ten replied in pure excitement.

That smile on his face never ceases to cheer me up.

"Enough about me, what about you?" I asked, resting the rim of the glass just onto the surface of my lip as I took a small sip of the red wine served to me though I preferred white wine.

"Well, to be honest, art had always been something that interest me, I also love animals. That's two things we have in common so far and well, I guess, dancing and singing."

"Peek talent!" I exclaimed only to see a blush rising on his cheeks.

Silence filled the air but not for very long as we enjoyed the last bit of our meal.

Eyes meeting up with his when I heard him say "I've been wondering..."

He paused as I anticipated.

"If your lips would taste as good as they look tonight"


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