Is that me?

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"I'd like to cut it so that's its just above my shoulder" he let out as the woman's eyes widened immediately "That's a bold move!"

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"I'd like to cut it so that's its just above my shoulder" he let out as the woman's eyes widened immediately "That's a bold move!"

"It gets irritating having it touch my butt everytime I take a shower" San let out and the woman simply replied with "sounds like my boyfriend"

San's eyes widened immediately and the woman asked casually "So just a cut?"

He gave it a thought before saying "Blue, dye the whole thing blue!"

Having a day off from college, San decided to have a little fun before heading over to the bakery.


Successfully faking an injury, I was excused from Ateez's schedule for today. That being the dance practice...

But excuses from their dance practice also meant that I couldn't go clubbing with the guys.

Quite a bummer, right?!

Currently slouched down on the beige coloured sofa in the living room, I sent a message to San.

Everything okay at home?

A few seconds passed and I received a reply.

Why are you messaging me? Aren't you at practice?

Tapping the call icon, I waited for him to answer.

"I'm home! I may have faked an injury so that I can skip the practice but now I can't go clubbing because I'm supposed to be limping" I fretted.

"By the time you're done with my career, I'll be known as the worse idol in kpop history" he let out a bit annoyed before saying "Anyhow, turn on your camera, I wanna show you something"

Switching my camera on, my eyes widened immediately as I yelled out in shock "WHAT THE FUCK?!!!"

With wide eyes, I felt my blood boiling like hot soup on a sunday after a session at church.

"I take it you don't like it?" He questioned and I immediately replied with "Why would you cut my hair? Is that the only thing or did you do more?"

I questioned as my eyes glanced around in search of changes to my body.

"I went shopping too! Check these out" he said as he brought short skirts one by one, displaying them.

"I can't wear those-" I was interrupted when San piped "But I can!"

"You better not!" I warned and he was quick to snap back "You've already taken control of my body, why can't I do the same with yours?"

Stuttering, I said "I-I don't-just don't please?"

"Please doesn't cut it! Wait till your boyfriend Ten sees you, he'll fall face first in love"

My cheeks, or in this case, San's cheeks turned to a shade of red as I blushed a bit at that statement.

"You think?" I asked, twirling a strand of imaginary hair.

"Oh! I know!" He said, confidence layering his voice.

"By the way, I'm now going to the bakery, why don't you join me? That way you can help me to familiarize myself with that line of work as well as your grandmother"

"I'd love to but leader boy is going to kill me if he comes back and I'm not here cause you know, I'm supposed to be sick"

San smiled at that before saying "Hongjoong's not that bad, he is a little short tempered but you'll get used to it when you spend some time around them"

Nodding, I asked, nervousness striking through my body "Did uh-h my parents see you?"

San immediately replied with "No, not yet!"

"Figured! Cause you'd be dead by now" I piped with a smile on my face as I looked over at San.

His eyes widened as he replied with "I told you, they're not that bad"

Rolling my eyes, I replied sarcastically "Sure"


"Silly y/n!" My so called grandmother called out, San's eyes averting in her direction.

"Have you lost it? This dough is for the pastries! Why would you even think it's for the cake? There's a huge differenc-"

"I'm sorry" San voiced out and my grandmother nodded before replying lowly "Just please focus, Y/n."

Nodding, her words echoed once again, "Why isn't there any customer today? We've been opened for almost two hours now"

Shrugging, San continued what he was currently doing until y/n's grandmother asked "Did you flip the open sign?"

With wide eyes, the man asked "Was I supposed to?"

Sighing, the woman said "Just call it a day"

With sulky shoulders, San said "Okay" as he felt the guilt taking over his form.


Swaying my hips from side to side, I let the music take control of my body as Chungha's voice echoed through the tiny speaker in San's room.

Throwing it back like there's no tomorrow, I sang "When I say it's done, it's freaking over"

I was completely oblivious in the moment as my room door opened slightly.

I had no clue as I continued "And I ride it! I ride it! You like it when I ride it!"

Before I knew it, my music was switched off as the male voiced out "So much for being fucking sick"

With wide eyes, I winced, scared to look over at Hongjoong as I knew for sure that he was pissed off again.

I fucked up... didn't I?


"What the fuck did you do?" The voice echoed in the lonely living room.

San stood his ground, never lowering his gaze as y/n's dad passed his slender fingers through her short blue hair.

The next thing San felt was a massive hit to the side of his cheek, the stinging pain following after.

"WHO TOLD YOU THIS WAS FUCKING OKAY?!" the man yelled as San's hand covered the now reddened spot.

"A fucking slut just like your mother!" He exhaled as he looked over at his dearest wife "Great fucking job you're doing!"

The woman's face was completely expressionless as she stared at her husband's face.

In a situation like this, y/n would've stayed quiet. In the first place, y/n would've never done something like that knowing the outcome but clueless San wasn't going to let things be the way they usually were.

"You call yourself a fucking father?! You hit me because I decided to cut my own hair?! Mother had absolutely nothing to do with this!" San yelled.

Her mother's eyes widened as the father grinned.

"Oh my little girl is all grown up now? Pack your fucking bags and leave!"

San knew for sure that he had fucked up...once again!


Hope you guys are liking the storyline so far🤔

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And also, is there a scene or anything you'd liked to read about in this book?

And I hope you guys aren't confused with the pov switches...

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