Mutual Feelings

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Another date night!

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Another date night!

This has been the fifteenth date in one single month.

I honestly didn't know if this was how relationships worked but call me McDonalds because I'm loving it!

Ten has been going out of his way to do so much for me, he's been making me very happy and I feel a bit bad for turning him down when he tried to you know, get it on~

In relationships, there is love, trust and commitment. I had two of the above, I wasn't willingly giving as much as he wanted but yet I was receiving more than enough.

The thought crosses my mind as I'm currently straddling the man on the softness of the hotel bed since both of our places were occupied.

Lips placed on his as his fingers brushed through my hair calmly.

"You shouldn't start something you don't plan on finishing, Y/n" he whispered against my lips.

His motive was clear, why would our date randomly be in a hotel room?

I guess this was his way of hinting what he desired...

"And who said I wasn't planning on finishing it?" I questioned innocently.

Smirking at that, Ten took it as consent as his hand was found zipping down the zipper of my dress.

Our clothes hitting the cold floorboards as whatever was upcoming created a strong sense of nervousness in my body.

Excitement rushed through my body knowing all too well that this was my first time after what occurred between San and I at the party.

So to me, this means more than a drunk one night stand. This moment left me wanting more and more.

And Ten was performing the perfect role in fulfilling my wish as his command.

It's just what I needed, sex on our fifteenth date!


After a long day at work, bartending of course, I had one last stop before heading home.

Pushing the double door slightly, I allowed myself to enter as the receptionist greeted me with a warm smile on her face.

"You know her usual spot, sweetheart" the woman piped and I nodded before making my way over to her.

"Did you miss me?!" I piped, standing infront of one of my greatest treasures, my dearest grandmother.

"You wish!" The woman piped as she grabbed my hands, pulling me in closer for a hug.

"What's brings you here today?" She quizzed and I scrunched my face up at her remark as if she didn't know I was here to see her before replying with "I came to sign up for volunteer work"

"Volunteer work, sweetheart?" She was shocked.

"Yeah, that way I'll get to see you more often as well as give assistance to those in need"

The woman simply smiled at.

"You had always been a good little bean that I wanted to keep in my pocket! Why didn't your mother turn out the same way?!" She scolded and I simply shrugged as we let the happiness between us overpower our thoughts.

Having her admitted in a elderly home was not my first option but knowing that there would be great people looking out for her while I worked my butt off to cover my expenses as well as hers, this was just enough.

"I'm also planning on volunteering at an animal shelter soon!" I piped and she was quick to reply with "I'm glad you're planning on doing things you love"

"Speaking of things I love, I have a boyfriend" I let out fondly at the thought of Ten.

"Oh really?! What's he like?" She asked and I gave it a thought before saying "He's absolutely everything I've ever wanted. He's kind to me and he's good looking"

My grandmother smiled at that before saying "Be careful not to get tricked by a pretty face though! You know what they say, the prettier they are, the harder they find it to love!"

"Who says that?!" I asked, face palming myself in my mind before reassuring her "Don't worry, grams! The feeling between us is definitely mutual"

"Whatever you say, my darling. Now go on, grams is a bit tired" She let out and respecting her request, I gave her a peck on her cheek before seeing myself out.


I strolled around the corner about fifteen minutes after the hour of seven. Walking into the gated community, I cursed out in my mind that it was impossible to get a taxi at this time.

Turning another corner, I could finally see my apartment in my view. Furrowing my eyebrow over at that, I noticed that two very familiar vehicles were parked in the driveway.

Why was Ten and San here at the same time without me?!

Oh dear God!

I could hear loud noises from the distance and my mind was surely convincing me that something was wrong.

With wide eyes, the bottom of my shoe hit the ground as I rushed straight over to my apartment.

Placing my hands on the cold doorknob, I twisted it only to be met by something unexpected.

There as I looked over in their direction, the only thing I saw was San and Ten a bit closer than expected.

"What-t-" I couldn't form proper words even, confusion clear on my face.

"There she is!" They yelled in unison.

They were watching a soccer game together, as if there wasn't even a feud between them.

Were they okay?

"They said they'll try to be nice to each other and leave the past in the past just for you!" Michelle said.

I glanced over at the people in the room and I guess if they had the balls to do this, I might as well-

My thoughts were interrupted when Michelle followed up with "They're also extremely drunk"

Well that explains!


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