Sealed lips

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Wiping the inside of the glasses clean with a towel, he shouted over the loud music "So when's that?"

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Wiping the inside of the glasses clean with a towel, he shouted over the loud music "So when's that?"

The woman on the other side of the counter yelled in return "After college, I'm already looking up places though since we have less than a month again before graduation."

San nodded.

"Well, that's great! If you need help with moving and what not, feel free to call-"

San was interrupted when Michelle mentioned "Well, I'm currently insearch of a roommate so if you think you can help with that in any way then that would be perfect!"

Again, San nodded.

"I'll let you know if anything comes up if y/n and I ever switch back, she will definitely go apartment hunting too" San said as a smile rest gently on his lips.

"What do you mean?" Michelle questioned with furrowed brows.

"Didn't I tell you? She's been staying with us for months now" San said, letting out a chuckle.

"Y/n's been staying with you? What? How? Why? She's a grown woman, can't she take care of herself or is she using this as an opportunity to gain something off of you?!-" Michelle ranted as her face turned to a shade of red, signaling her anger.

"Calm down! Y/n isn't-" and before he could've finished his statement, Michelle was already strolling out of the door.

Sighing, he rolled his eyes a bit before mumbling "Was she jealous?"


"I'm home" San said, half heartedly as he closed the door behind him.

San let his eyes scan the room before making it over to his and y/n's shared room.

Just as he rest his hand on the doorknob, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, Seonghwa asked "Can I talk to you for a second?"

San had gotten worried, he wondered what could be so important that Seonghwa had to approach him as soon as he had gotten home.

San followed closely behind Seonghwa as they headed over to Seonghwa's empty room.

"How was work?" Seonghwa asked as San closed the door behind himself.

"Good" San replied, waiting for Seonghwa to get to the point.

For Seonghwa to state the real reason behind requesting a conversation.

"Now that I'm aware of your situation, you know, the whole body switch, is there any chance that you might have feelings for y/n?" Seonghwa's words were quick and for a second, they made San nervous.

Seonghwa was doing the opposite of what y/n had asked. A part of him wanted to respect her privacy but a part of him wanted the best for her.

"Uh-h I- of course not!" San said, a smile surfacing as Seonghwa's smile dropped.

"Well, would you mind if I get to know her better? She's amazing! We've been talking a lot-"

Seonghwa's words were interrupted when San said "Sure! Go ahead!"

As enthusiastic as it sounded, there was no excitement in his words.

"Thank you!" Seonghwa hissed, forcing a smile back onto his pink lips.

"Is that all?!" San asked, his face expressionless. In response, Seonghwa nodded and San excused himself.

Footsteps infront of the next, he made his way straight into his room.


Turning around, I greeted the man with a smile on my face "You're home!"

Smiling over at me, he questioned "Did you miss me that much?"

Scoffing at that, I said with a pout resting on my lips "If I had a star for everytime you brightened my life, I'd be surrounded by darkness"

San rolled his eyes at that before saying "The more you speak, the less I wanna hear"

Laughing at his remark, I hopped onto the bed before letting out "Wash up! You smell!"

Pulling his blouse off, he threw it over in my direction before grabbing his towel.

If I hadn't already fallen for him, I can say that I'm definitely starting to...


"But isn't that like what girls love? You fight and then you'd be the one to approach her and let her know everything's okay!" San questioned.

"Have you ever apologized for nothing at all in a relationship or apologize for something you had no clue of?" I asked as the man situated himself right beside me.

Taking my phone out of my hands, he continued "I usually never apologize, if we argue over something stupid cause, I mean, what's the point of our relationship?"

"True" I said, looking at him.

Resting his hands onto the softness of my cheeks, I heard him mumbling under his breath.

San was suddenly reminded of Seonghwa's words and he had no clue what had gotten over him but there was just this sudden urge to capture y/n's lips, to claim her for himself.

Though, the figure infront of him was himself, he had that thought completely wiped out. He knew to himself that the figure laying next to his was a woman he wanted to keep away from.

But yet he had no control over his emotions as he leaned in, capturing y/n's lips with his.


I became soft and pliant in his arm as he tugged me closer, my slender fingers found it's way behind his neck.

For a moment, he teased his tongue with mine, toying with me and tasting me while I had gotten lost in the way he felt.

Both of us had become mindless with passion as the need for each other was more now than ever.

And after what felt like forever, we both jerked away as we're facing reality.

There, hovering over my figure, was now Choi San.

He was himself again.

I was myself again.

No explanation just pure confusion as to what had just happened.

As much as we were thrilled to be back, we stayed speechless, not a single word surfaced as our eyes made four.

What had just happened?


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If you're confused, they're back in their body. San is san and y/n is y/n...

Y/n is currently falling hard for him while we have yet to figure out what San feels...

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