A sudden realization

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Climbing into bed beside San, I knew this was my last week here

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Climbing into bed beside San, I knew this was my last week here. After all that had happened today, I was not looking forward to waking him up.

Glancing over at his face, I couldn't help but to let my gaze scan how beautiful he was while sleeping.

I knew that I was making this easier on myself by moving out from their apartment, that way, I wouldn't be surrounded by his scent.

I wouldn't be sleeping in the same bed as him or even hear everytime he would giggle at something he would find funny.

I don't know how I fell for him but I did. He was no longer the man I had a weird experience with, he was the man I now had a major crush on.

There is merely two weeks remaining for college and I hope to the Gods above that when I return as myself to school, I go falling, face first in love with Ten again.

Maybe that way San would be out of the picture?...

Before I knew it, my eyelids were getting heavier by the second and I was drifted off into a deep sleep.


Nervousness ran through my body as I walked the same familiar halls again. Moving over to my locker, I shifted a bit  from one foot to the other as I finally reached out to the cold metal.

Putting in my pin, the door popped open and I quickly reached for my materials.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and as I turned around, I'm met with pure surprise.

His smile brighter than ever as he held a small bouquet of roses out.

"Good morning, beautiful!" He piped, passing the flowers over to me.

In this moment, I felt like my jaw had been slackened and as if it was suddenly touching the floor.

"I-uh-what?" I stuttered.

"Shall we?" The man asked, placing his hand out for me to take. Nervously and completely confused, I grasped his hand as we made our way to our class.

"What is happening?" I mumbled, confusion written on my face.

"Did you forget about our date? Silly y/n!" Ten let out as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

Smiling over at him, I didn't want to hurt his feelings but I needed an explanation so I did the best I could've done in the moment.

I excused myself as I ran straight into the washroom...

I needed to hear from Choi San!


"You did what?!" I asked in confusion.

"I know how much you like him so I agreed to go on a date since I know how hard it is for you to form words around him. He's a good kid, y/n, don't ruin this" San reasoned over the other end of the speaker.

"So Ten and I are going on a date? Today? After class? When I have to move today as well? How is this going to work?!" My questions were up, one after the other in complete disbelief.

"How hard can it be? Tell you what? I'll help with your half of the moving if you promise to just go and enjoy yourself with the love of your life, Ten!" San let out.

Sighing, I knew that my emotions were everywhere. San had worked so hard on landing me a date with my crush, I just couldn't turn it down especially not after our kiss.

I don't want him thinking that I'm suddenly attached to him because of it, right?

"Ok, I will" I said, nodding even though I knew that there was no way for him to see that.

Ending the call, I sighed as I faced the mirror infront of me.

"This is the part where you'll use one jerk to get over the other just to make things easier, okay?!" I spoke words of encouragement to myself.


"You're back?" I heard a strange voice ask and I immediately snapped my head in her direction.

Noticing it was mysterious Michelle, my soon to be roommate, I nodded.

"Oh before I forget, here's the second key to our apartment."

Glancing around, I quickly grasped the key before replying with "Uh I wouldn't be coming in until later though, thought I should let you know. I have a date!"

The woman eyes were wide and she quickly asked "Huh?"

"Yeah, San agreed to help with moving my stuff so you'll see him later." I uttered, still a bit awkward with the stranger. Or in this case, San's friend. 

"Why should he move your stuff? Isn't that your responsibility? Why should San be working his ass off while you get to enjoy yourself? You know what, don't answer that!" And with that, the woman walked away.

I always knew that something was wrong with her but as much as I hated this, I had no choice but to live nicely as this is what San would want....right?


"So how long have you really, you know, liked me?" Ten asked, reaching out for his glass of champagne.

Ten had decided that a date at home would probably be best because of his idol career. One step out and blinding lights of cameras would be interrupting our night.

"I don't exactly remember but I never wanted to make you feel weirded out so I never really mentioned it" I let out, before taking a small sip of my Champagne.

Staring over at me, he said "You have no idea how many nights of mine have become sleepless because I couldn't get you off of my mind. You're-youre really different from other girls."

Placing a hand onto the softness of my cheek, I heard him whisper "Is it okay if I kiss you?"

At his words, my red dress rode up a bit as I leaned in closer, I was finally getting what I had wanted from the start, a date with Ten.

His words replaying in my head as his lips captured mine and like a wildfire, the heat was suddenly spreading to every remaining inch of my body.

I no longer had that want or need for Choi San.

I guess it was pure infatuation.

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