Say you won't Let Go

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Thank you Germanyv2 for allowing me to use their character's name for this oneshot!! Everyone go check out their stories too they're really really good!! I love their AUs they're all so original and interesting to read.

And now I bring you a dosage of angst, I hope you all enjoy!!


Germany nearly dozed off, holding Russia's phone in his hands as the ceiling slowly darkened before his eyes. He wasn't tired, just emotionally exhausted. The least he could do for his aching body was just close his eyes and get some sleep before the next bout of emotion and tears slammed into him again.

"GERMANIA!!" A loud voice, followed by a louder rapping at the window. He jolted awake and stared wide-eyed at the shadow outside, a silhouette of a person clinging on to his window frame with their whole body. "Hurry upp- Open the window, Ger!!"

The demand somehow made him scoot off the bed immediately and move towards the window, hand closing around the fabric of the curtain. "Shit, faster- Your neighbors are going to think that there's some handsome Italian guy trying to rob you Hurry up-"

He pulled open the curtains finally to see Italy, clinging on to the window frame with every limb of his body like a spider, who then instantly brightened up and shrieked in joy when he saw him. "Damn you look Terrible! Pull me in, will you!" Germany gaped at him for a moment longer before fumbling for the latch, yanking it upwards and swinging the window open.

Italy tumbled in in a tangle of long limbs and landed on the floor, still grinning. "Buongioro!! I missed you!! Why didn't you answer your phone?" He picked himself up, brushing the front of his shirt off and immediately looking around. "Oh, that's why." His phone was still on the floor in the corner, screen cracked and nearly dead. Italy hopped over and picked it up, blowing away the dust on it first.

"Where's your charger?" He looked around, green eyes locking on to him again. Germany had been standing there like an idiot the whole time. "Damn you look-" He bit his lip to stop himself, going still and his happy expression falling from his face.

"Oh, tesoro..." His arms reached out to him, held open and gently coming forward to surround him. Germany felt himself falling into the hug anyway, wrapping his own arms around his torso and clinging on to him, breathing faster. He hadn't felt human touch since the day Russia died. 

"Sh sh sh it's okay." Italy patted his back comfortingly, squeezing him lightly. It felt different from Russia's hugs. Everything would never be the same again. "You're so thin, have you been eating at all?"

He peeked his head out from his chest to look up at him. He didn't have the energy or tears to cry anymore. "Yeah I guessed so." Italy sighed and smiled at him sadly, patting his back twice again. "Come on, let's get you back on your feet again." His cheery voice returning, leading him out of the room and down the stairs.

Germany stumbled after him, walking around his own house like a newborn lamb with no direction. He cleared his throat to ask a important question first. "Why were you climbing up my house to get in through my window, on the second floor?" Gosh, his throat was sore. 

"Your front door was locked, duh." Germany looked at him and pointed at the two metal lockpicks sticking out of the pockets in his pants. "OH! Right!! I forgot about those. I was going to use those to let France and Belgium in if you refuse to cooperate, heh. In case I couldn't find your keys." Germany couldn't help shaking his head and smiling weakly, following him into the kitchen.

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