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The spells making sounds around me finally snapped me back to reality. My back was aching but I knew I have to get up and fight. I won't give up that easily! Before I could think twice about it, I was already duelling another Death Eater. It felt good immobilizing him and the adrenaline of fighting slowly came back to me when I heard a voice calling me.


I turned around but nobody was there. I shook my head. Perhaps I was still a bit shaken from talking to Nova wherever we were together just moments ago.


There it was again. I pressed myself against a nearby wall, trying to empty my head. Was I hearing voices now?


The voice was getting louder and it seemed it was coming from inside my head.


I opened my eyes and sat up so abruptly that everything went dark for a moment. What is going on? I slowly scanned the room I was in.

I wasn't at Hogwarts, I was in a bed. My bed. I rubbed my eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them again. This is my bedroom.

I heard someone walking up the stairs. I looked down at my body. I was shirtless and my back wasn't aching. Was I dreaming? I couldn't be. It felt so real.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." I turned my head to the door and saw Nova leaning against the doorway. I was in awe at how beautiful she was. She was wearing a burgundy jumper with a golden letter on it. It was my jump... Wait a minute. It didn't have a golden C on it. It had a golden N on it.

I pressed my fingers against my eyes. I have never been more confused. I looked in her direction again. She was still there. Along with her jumper, her favorite khaki-colored jeans, and barefoot.

"I was about to send our little army to wake you." She giggled. "Did you just wake up?"

"Yeah," I said with a rusty voice. I was still a bit disoriented and apparently, it showed on my face because Nova's pretty smile turned into a worried expression.

She slowly made her way across the bedroom and sat down on my side of the bed.

"Is this real?" I asked.

"It happened again." She whispered as if she was reading my mind.

It was strange. I knew exactly what she was referring to, but I couldn't shake the dream away.

"Yes." I nodded. "But was different this time, Nova." I shook my head trying to get the images out of my mind.

"How so?" She asked gently, placing her hand on mine, sending shivers down my spine.

"It wasn't Fred or Tonks. It" I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and I have never wanted to kiss her more, so I did.

She let out a sound of surprise before kissing me back, placing her arms around my neck.

It was all coming back to me now. I had frequent nightmares about the battle that took place at Hogwarts. I kept seeing Fred and Tonks die. It has been happening for years, but I didn't have a vivid dream like this in a very long time.

"What was the dream about this time?" Nova pulled away and cupped my face, locking her eyes on mine.

"I dreamt about that night in the Sanctuary, when we were attacked. But it was different. You only cast the Protection spell on me and not both of us." I shook my head, my mind creating images of her getting burnt again.

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