Chapter 5 - The Plan of Mischief

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The day after my and Nova's detention it was Saturday which meant we had the whole weekend to plan how to get into the Forest again. Feeding the Giant Squid was one thing, but it was nothing compared to how much fun I had yesterday.

At first, I was a little scared, I am not afraid to admit it but the deeper into the Forest we went, the more soothing it was. And besides, as I said yesterday to Bill, I knew Hagrid would've protected us if anything ought to happen.

I was a bit disappointed that Hagrid wanted to break his promise to take us into the Forest. Nova later said that he just cares too much about us and doesn't want to see us get hurt. I guess, but then he shouldn't have made such a promise, should he?

I woke up rather late that morning as there was barely anyone still at breakfast when I got to the Great Hall. My wish of avoiding Bill as much as possible also came true as he was nowhere to be seen at the Gryffindor table. On the other hand, neither was Nova or the girls.

I decided to check if she was perhaps drawing in the Courtyard, but nobody that I knew was there either. I concluded that the best and easiest way to reach her would be by owl so I headed to the Owlery. I sat down on the floor and started writing.

Dear Nova,

I couldn't find you in the Great Hall or the Courtyard. Meet me by the Black Lake, today at 2 o'clock.

Love, Charlie

I rolled the parchment and gave it to one of the school owls. Since I had quite some time on my hands until 2 o'clock, I decided to go back to my Common Room and do some homework.

Not even an hour later, an owl knocked on the window of the Gryffindor Common Room with her beak. I opened the window and let her in. She had a piece of parchment tied to her foot and I gently took it away from her. I unrolled it and recognized Nova's handwriting at once.

Dear Charlie,

please come to the Library as soon as possible.

Love, Nova

I rolled the parchment back, thanked the owl, placed my books in my bag, and hurried to the Library.

I found the girls immediately as they were sticking their heads together at the same table as we did last year when we were planning to ask Penny to help us with our Potions studies.

"Sorry to interrupt you, ladies, what did I miss?" I sat down next to Tulip.

"Oh, Charlie, you have to listen to this!" Nova said, chuckling. "Tulip, Penny, and Tonks are planning to get back at Filch as Tulip still can't feel her fingertips from rubbing those trophies so hard!"

"So, here's the plan! I have 2 more dungbombs, thankfully they are still in one piece." Started Tonks. "Penny you look the most innocent," Penny blushed at her comment, "so you will go to Filch and tell him that Peeves is making a mess on the second floor. Meanwhile, Tulip will go and find Peeves and ask him if he could do something really bad there." Tonks was speaking faster and faster. "Just mention Filch to him, as he is Peeves' favorite person to prank and he will go do something." She continued.

"Then you will hurry down to Filch's office to guard the door as I sneak inside and place a dungbomb on his table." Tonks beamed proudly.

"Tonks, don't you think Filch knows how a dungbomb looks like and will get rid of it?" I asked puzzled.

"Oh, don't you worry my little Weasley, I'm not done with the plan." She grinned.

"While inside, I will place the bomb into a nicely packaged box, so it will look like a gift. And I'll make it that the dungbomb goes off when he opens the box!" She exclaimed.

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