Chapter 8 - Tonks vs Exams

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We were all in awe when Nova and Charlie were telling us about their adventure the next morning. I completely forgot that I got presents and that it was Christmas as I couldn't believe just how lucky they were to get out of there alive.

Penny, of course, was mad at them for weeks. She couldn't believe how foolish they were and she kept an eye on their every move to make sure they weren't going to go in there again. In reality, she couldn't shake the thought of what would happen if they never got out of there and just like Tonks and me, she couldn't bear the thought of never seeing them again.

I have to say that even though they nearly escaped death, they were pretty lucky not to get caught. When Bill came back after the holidays, he didn't have a clue that anything at all went down on Christmas Eve and we all promised to keep it that way.

Nova and I started to spend more time together as the final exams started approaching. We decided it was a good idea if we get a head start on Astronomy as we knew that other subjects were probably going to have a harder exam.

I wasn't really worried about neither Charms nor Transfiguration. I was doing rather well with the former this year and Nova decided to keep us on track with the latter since the beginning of the year.

Our every action was, of course, observed by Penny and she couldn't help but be proud of just how better prepared we were this year. In reality, we just wanted her to stop nagging us, something that this year started in April rather than May. I guess she thought that we were going to start studying faster and I have to tell you it worked!

There was something about how she was talking about exams that made us all feel guilty for not starting studying in September. Perhaps she was using a charm or something.

We started taking our exams more seriously in the second part of May. Before, we mostly just made Penny think we were studying. Tonks and I snuck into the Kitchens and as she had no idea how to get inside and we studied there last year, she assumed we just wanted to be alone.

Nova and Charlie usually went to the Lake to study but Tonks and I knew that they were reading books not required in any class. I had to give it to them, they looked rather convincing because Nova enchanted the book covers to look like books for Defense Against the Dark Arts and History of Magic. Penny didn't suspect a thing!

In the second part of May, we finally stopped hiding from her as it was time to study Potions. Penny held a group in the Great Hall just like last year. It now had even more students than before as it consisted of yours truly, Penny the teacher, Nova, Tonks, Charlie, Andre, Jae, Badeea, the kid who was overenthusiastic about Quidditch called Murphy, and even a Slytherin boy that I didn't know the name of. What I did know was that he had the greenest eyes I have ever seen!

One morning at breakfast, we finally got our exam schedule which was pretty similar to the one we had last year, except that we had Potions as the last exam and Transfiguration was the first thing on Monday morning.

I was more worried about Tonks than my exams. Every time Nova and I made it down for breakfast I was just waiting for Penny to come rushing in and telling us that Tonks is packing again.

I was confident about my Charms and Transfiguration exam. I knew I was going to do great in Defence Against Dark Arts as Charlie was teaching us every morning by the Lake and made us practice our spells.

The unusual thing was that I was really worried about my Herbology exam. A few nights before it was scheduled I couldn't sleep and to my surprise, neither could Nova. We both sat by the window in our dormitory and observed the moon.

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